(Blaine's P.O.V.) Chapter 6

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I'm not sure what time I woke up but I figured it was really early. I rolled over to find Kurt snoring quietly with his mouth open. He looked so freaking adorable.

I rolled back over to check the time but then realized my phone was dead. I had also forgot to text my parents I was staying over at Kurt's. I honestly didn't plan on doing it but it just happened.

I got up to find my clothes when I heard Kurt's alarm go off. I watched him reach over to turn it off to find me struggling to find my clothes.

"Good morning sunshine!" I exclaimed and smiled.

"Good morning love." He replied, tiredly.

"Do you have any clothes I can wear?" I asked, desperately.

"Love, you're gonna have to ask Finn. My clothes are to small to for you." Kurt winked and went to his bathroom to shower.

I didn't know when Finn woke up so I quietly knocked on his door. He opened it and looked at me funny.

"What're you doing here dude?" He asked.

"Well, I may have slept over but do you have any nice clothes I can wear?" I said and blushed.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" Finn yelled, excitedly.

"Yes, yes. Shh, keep it down. I need clothes." I answered.

"I got you. My mom bought me skinny jeans and a very skin tight button down, plaid shirt awhile back. Try it on." Finn walked over to his bedside table.

I found the outfit and went to find a bathroom. It fit pretty well. I looked in the mirror at my hair and almost freaked. I guess my hair gel like dissolved last night. I laughed. I looked around to see if the bathroom had any gel.

"Score!" I yelled, then quickly used it.

I looked around to see if there were any, like, ties or bowties anywhere but not one was found.

"I guess I'll just have to wear mine from yesterday." I said, while opening the bathroom door.

Finn looked frustrated. He kept mumbling something while on his phone.

"Hey. Thanks for the clothes." I said and walked out the door.

I walked into Kurt's room to find him practically naked. He was standing in his towel while searching for clothes.

"Well, I can say that I like you even better now." I walked over to Kurt and wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh really?" He turned around and kissed me.

"Definitely." I replied and smiled. I leaned back in for another kiss when all of a sudden Finn came blasting through the door.

"Kurt! I need your..!" He stopped dead step.

"Finn! Learn to knock!" Kurt yelled.

"I'm sorry dude. I need to use your phone!" He yelled back.

"It's over there. Stop yelling at me." Kurt rushed into the bathroom in a flash.

"Okay. I'm sorry." Finn sat down on the bed and was probably looking for Rachel's number or something.

I glanced around Kurt's room and saw the time.

"Kurt! Hurry up! Were gonna be late!" I yelled while knocking on the bathroom door.

"Already ahead of you sweet thing!" Kurt kissed me and grabbed his things. "Let's go!"

We all walked downstairs to find donuts sitting on the counter with a note.

"Hey loves, I'm sorry I couldn't stay long this morning. I figured you guys would be running late again today, so I dropped off some donuts! Love you guys!"  -love Carol (mom)

"Aw! Mom is so sweet!" Kurt grabbed a donut. So did Finn and I.

We all rushed out the door and hopped into Kurt's car. I sat up front, Kurt drove and Finn rode in the back.
"Finn, do you have my phone?" Kurt asked.

"Yes. Here." Finn handed Kurt his phone. Kurt dialed a number and waited for an answer.

"Hey mom, sorry for missing you this morning. Just checking up on you guys. Let me know how dad is. Love you. By the way its Kurt. Finn and Blaine said hi also." Kurt left a voice message.


As Kurt pulled into the school parking lot, the first bell had rung and we all ran to the door. I opened the door and we all headed to first period.

"Kurt!" I yelled.

"Yes." Kurt walked back.

"Come here!" I said and pulled him into a romantic kiss.

"Have a good day. Gotta go!" He smiled and walked off.

I walked into my first class to find Sam sitting in the seat next to mine. He usually sits with Mercedes. I walked over to my seat and started small talk till the tardy bell rang.

"Um, why aren't you sitting over there with Mercedes?" I said as I sat down.

"She dumped me. Totally pulled my heart out." Sam replied and threw his head down.

"Seriously? Dude, I'm not gonna talk bad about her or anything because she's my friend but you can do so much better." I said and patted his back.

"That's the thing. I don't want to. I can see a future with her." Sam said as the bell rang.

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