Chapter 4 - Couple

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Previously on Beautiful Feeling

(Y/n) do you maybe want to hang out sometime?" Haruto couldn't face me when he said that. I wonder why. "I'd love to." I answered. He straighten up and looked at me with wide eyes. "Really?"

"Really. Now excuse me I have to go get ready."

"For what?"

"I have a date today." I said and walked towards Taro and Budo. I collapsed on the seat and laid my head on Taro's lap. He's like a mother, he patted my head softly to calm me down. "(y/n) want to go home and take a nap?" Budo asked. I was so tired to respond that I ended up falling asleep on Taro's lap.

Let's continue with the story.

I finally woke up and found myself in Budo's arms on my couch. The kitten was sleeping on top of Budo's head, that's so cute. But what exactly happened when I was asleep?

Before (3rd person P.O.V):
"She fell asleep." Taro whispered.

"Give her to me I'll take care of her." Budo said.


"No buts, just hand her to me." Taro obeyed and handed (y/n) to Budo. "We should go home, didn't you promise your sister something?" Budo asked.

"That's right I forgot! I'll see you two tomorrow. Bye Budo."

"Bye Taro." Budo saw Taro run out of the cafe. He sighed in relief. 'I thought I was going to lose (y/n) to Taro. That's silly.' Budo smiled to himself.

"Excuse me." Someone said from behind. Budo turned around and saw Haruto standing in front of him. "I'm sorry do I know you?" said.

"No, but she does know me." He pointed towards (y/n). Kokona and Saki were peeking behind the booth. The two guys stood there releasing a dark purplish aura. "She knows me too. We are about to go on our date now excuse us." Budo turned on his heels and walked off. Haruto stood there with his mouth opened and his eyes widened. He remembered (y/n) mentioning that she was going on a date.

Saki and Kokona kept staring at Haruto. Saki had an excited smile on her face and tried to contain her excitement. While, Kokona kept blushing. Budo brought (y/n) home and laid her on the couch. "Oh (y/n) you're so pretty when you're asleep." He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. "I'll make you mine, I hope you'll make me yours." Budo smiled and lifted Hinata on his lap and fell asleep.

The kitten walked into the room and jumped all the way to Budo's head and made a bed out of his hair.

(Y/n) P.O.V
I got up from his lap and headed towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I notice the kitten woke up, he jumped down from Budo's head to the couch. I headed towards the kitty's direction and picked him up. "I still have to name you... hmm." I thought for a while then I finally came up with one. "How about Kuro? I like that name, Kuro it is." Budo mumbled something in his sleep. I smiled and sat down next to him. The kitten went back on top of his head to sleep. Is his hair that comfortable?

I notice his phone was ringing. I had two options 1) leave it alone till he sees it himself or 2) see the caller Id. I went with two of course, my curiosity got the better of me. I checked it and it wasn't a pleasant sight. It was Mei who was calling. I wonder what she wants. "Morning." Budo said while rubbing his eyes.

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