Chapter 8 - The Situation

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Previously on Beautiful Feeling:
I ran and ran, passing through people's yards, and jumping over objects in my path. I'm not going to stop until I find them. "Budo~! Why won't you love me?!" I heard someone cried. It can't be. I followed the sound of the voice and I saw them. Mei closely behind Budo. Can I really go through with this? Can I really kill her? "Mei, I don't like you! You're so annoying." Budo said, he sounded irritated. I can't go through with this... I got up and approached them. "Budo?" I said, it was almost a whisper. He looked at me and brighten up, while Mei scoffed and stomped the other way.

"Where were you? I tried calling you, but you wouldn't pick up." He said.

"Budo. There's something I have to tell you..."

Back to the story:
"Hm? What is it (y/n)?" He asked.

"U-um!" I winced, was I really going to tell Budo that I have to kill Mei in order to protect our relationship? That's insane! He might dump me and date someone else! I'm not going to let that happen. "Budo!" I cried, I ran into his arms and stayed there crying. "Haruto kidnapped me! He was about to do dirty stuff to me!" Ok. I know he never said anything like that, yet. But I had to come up with something.

"Haruto...? That bastard!" Budo growled. I can feel his hand forming into a fist. He sighed and held me tightly. "Don't worry (y/n) I'll protect you." He reassured. I feel bad for not telling him what I actually wanted to say, but this is the only thing I can do.

"Hey I'll drop you off at home." He said.

"Alrighty." I said. I grabbed Budo's hand and we both walked to my house.

~~Time skip~~

"Thanks for bringing me home." I bowed to him. He chuckled and hugged me. I hugged him back. This went on for awhile until I pulled away.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, alright?" Budo told me. I nodded and kissed him goodbye. I went inside, while Budo went walking back home.

I plopped down on the couch. I was tired of all the running I did. As I laid there Kuro came next to me and laid on my stomach, I patted his head. Kuro has been here and hasn't been getting enough love he deserves. Maybe I should give Kuro to someone who would give him lots of love. Maybe Hanako is interested? She's been taking really good care of Kuro, even though it's been only one day. I should, Kuro deserves better. He should live with someone innocent, not someone who murders people for selfishness.

"Kuro. Do you want to live with Hanako?" I don't know what I was expecting, but all he did was purr. Well I can't ask them because my cellphone was in my bag and I don't know where it is. The last time I had it was before Haruto captured me. Looks like I'll have to ask Taro tomorrow.

I got up and grabbed Kuro's food and poured it into his bowl. I grabbed the other bowl next to it and poured milk into it. I placed it back. "Kuro! Come eat." I said. Kuro came running to his bowl. It was so cute!

I walked away and left Kuro eating his food. I collapsed on the couch and fell asleep.

~~Time Skip~~

I woke up the next morning and found kuro sleeping on my stomach. I looked at the time 6:30 A.M, I still have time before I have to go to school. I got ready, ate some cereal, and left. I saw someone standing in front of my gate, it was Ayano.

"Ayano? What are you doing here?" I asked. She didn't reply but she handed something to me. It was my bag that I had to go grocery shopping.

"Don't worry anymore, I handled Haruto myself." She answered.

"You didn't kill him did you?"

"No. Well... not yet."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Shall we go?"


Ayano and I walked to school. She wanted to get there quickly so she can meet Taro and make sure no girl is flirting with him. Very protective.

After a long time of walking, we finally made it to school. Ayano ran off. I walked to the back of the school and headed towards the cherry blossom tree. "Am I really able to kill anyone?" I whispered to myself. I heard someone walking towards me, I looked up and saw Budo standing there.

"(Y/n)? Why are you here?" He asked.

"Why can't I be here? It's not reserved." I responded. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Ok that came out wrong. What are doing here all by yourself?"

"I'm just sitting here, absorbing all the freshness of the outside."

"Interesting. Well when are you going to be done 'absorbing all the freshness' because we have class soon."

"This takes time." I breathed in and out slowly, this went on for a minute or two. As soon as I was done, I got and said yo Budo, "Well are you just going to sit there and be late for class." He chuckled and got up. He grabbed my hand and we both ran towards the school.

~~Time Skip~~

"So tired..." I mumbled and laid my head on my desk. Everyone left the classroom except for Budo and Taro. I just laid there, my arms stretched across the desk.

"Do you think she's alright?" I heard Taro ask Budo.

"Probably. Maybe she's worn out because of today's lesson."

"Sensei did tech a bit quickly."

"I know what to do to get her up."

"What is it?
"Get up. It's lunch time." Budo said poking my head. I jumped up and yelled "LUNCH?!" I ran out of the classroom before anyone can say anything.

I ran down the hall until I bumped into someone. We went tumbling down the stairs and finally reached the bottom. "Ow..." I heard them mumble. "I'm sorry! I should watch where I'm going next time!" I scratched the back of my head and laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah you should." They said. I feel like I recognized this voice before. I looked at them and froze. They looked back at me and had a surprised look on their face.

"(Y/n)? Is that really you...?" They took a closer look at me, "It is you! I missed you so much!" This person was...

Hey guys! Sorry for a very late update, I've been redrawing the pictures for the chapters and drawing new ones. I still have more to do, but I decided to post this chapter first.

There will be a drawing for this chapter as soon as I finish it.

I'm sorry for the short chapter!! I'll try to make the next one longer than this one! I hope you guys enjoy the story so far! Anyway guys, I'll see you all next time! Bai Bye!!

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