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Thanks a lot to Riley, Brenna and Akansha for their amazing feedback

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Thanks a lot to Riley, Brenna and Akansha for their amazing feedback. It helped me create the changes in the club.

Today is the deadline for the weeks assignment, but I'll give everyone a grace of two days because we're starting afresh here.

I'll send out a reminder despite my saying I won't do so anymore. If you'd like to drop out of the club, please pm me because I'm only moving forward with the dedicated members.

I'll make a last update on the other copy of the BC before I delete it, to make this one known.

Thanks a lot guys, seriously I've gotten to know most of you personally and you're all wonderful people(uh...except for delayed assignment completions 😛) and I'm really glad I opened this BC.

Have a lovely weekend guys, I'll update on Monday. Love you all.

- Jeanne.

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