11 - Olivia

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Unedited, will edit soon.

March 27th, 2015

My heart began to race. My knees and arms actually felt weak. I was so shocked to hear those words coming out of his mouth. My hopes had come true. I was more than just a friend to him. I didn't know exactly what, but it wasn't just your average friendship.

"Olivia, I know I'm probably rushing things or potentially ruining them but I'm willing to risk it. You have to know how I feel about you. The more time I spend with you, the harder it becomes to hide it. I wanna be more than your friend." He held my hand up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles gently.

I was so in shock, I didn't know what to say. I just started smiling. I couldn't stop myself, or say words, or communicate in any other way, I just smiled as nervous giggles escaped my mouth.

Thankfully, he didn't take offense. He smiled as well and chuckled himself. "I'll take that as a, 'I like you too, Zayn.'"

"I like you too, Zayn." I smiled. I couldn't help myself after that. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him close. It was only the second time we'd hugged.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. He was so warm. I felt so comfortable. No other feeling I'd ever had felt.more right than at that moment.

I've been confused and anxious all my life, but with him I felt at ease. I truly felt safe and sane.


We held hands as we entered the restaurant. There weren't that many paparazzi outside, surprisingly enough. Zayn kept me by his side at all times.

"This place looks so expensive," I said as the waiter led us through the restaurant.

"Don't worry, it's on Chris tonight. Even if it wasn't, you'll never have to buy anything else as long as you're with me." He whispered as we walked, before kissing me softly on the cheek.

"You're something else, Zayn." I said, failing the urge to grin and blush.

"Alright," the waiter sang as if he was annoyed with his job. "Here you are," he snatched the reserved sign from the table.

"Thanks, mate." Zayn gave him a pat on the back as he walked away, then turned to me. "You first," he beamed as his brown eyes sparkled in the low light.

I slid into the booth and he slid in after me. I was glad we got there before Chris and Karrueche did. It felt like the first time we went out to eat like this. It felt like a date, and technically we were on a double date.

"So, is this like our second date?" I asked him as he interlaced our fingers underneath the tablecloth.

"I'd say it's our third. The first was the first day we met, I took you for coffee. The next was a little over two weeks later, we went for breakfast. Now here we are."

It warmed my heart to think he considered our first outing as a date.

"Zayn, how long have you felt the way you feel about me?" I asked him. My eyes were glued to him.

He was quiet for a few seconds. "I knew that I had to have you once I couldn't stop thinking about you." He sighed. "Those two weeks were really weird for me. I was laying low. I basically stayed inside and waited for the news to break. When it finally did and it wasn't you that told, I just knew I had to see you again. Ever since that moment I can't seem to let you out of my sight."

"Well, I'm glad." I smiled.

"Here you are," the waiter's voice caught our attention. We looked up and Chris and Karrueche were approaching.

"Hey guys," Karrueche said as she slid into the booth across from me. She looked really good. She was wearing a tight dusty pink dress with light pink stones, probably diamonds, sprinkled around the bottom and top. Her shoes and lipstick seemed to be the same color as her dress.

"What's up, Zayn?" He said holding a hand out to Zayn so they could do that handshake thing all guys seemed to know. He then reached his hand out for me to shake.

"Chris, Karrueche, this is Olivia," Zayn said. "Olivia, this is Chris and Karrueche."
The waiter whizzed back around with his pen and pad ready. "Drinks?"

"We'll take a bottle of the best champagne in your opinion, a round of vodka shots, and whatever else they want." Chris said.

Once we all started talking, we couldn't stop. Who would've thought we had so much to talk about, but it was just like any other double date I've ever been on.

Once the food came, Zayn and Chris began talking business about a new song he wanted to collab on. They were talking about lyrics, verses, and money. Karrueche and I were listening along at first, but they started talking music lingo and we became lost.

We started talking about makeup and instagram. Then we started talking about hair and fashion week in London.

Our attention was brought back as Zayn signed a piece of paper.

"I'm really excited to get working on this song, Zayn." Chris said as Zayn handed him the paper back. It was over that quick. I was almost sad.

The waiter came by shortly after that and Chris paid the bill. We all stood and hugged goodbye.

"It was really nice meeting you, Olivia." Karrueche said as we hugged.

"You too," I said.

"Yeah, we'll have to do this next time I'm in London or next time you guys come to America." Chris grinned.

We all went our separate ways around 10. I found myself in front of my apartment building standing out front with Zayn.

"I wanna see you tomorrow," he said holding onto me. His arms were around my waist and he was looking me right in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll be here." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Good," he said. Before I knew it, he was leaning in and our lips were about to touch. I let out a shaky breathe before I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back without hesitation. When we pulled away I looked up at him, unable to control my smile.

"Goodnight, Zayn." I whispered as I tried to stay calm.

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