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AN: not even sure if people read fanfic anymore but I am more bored than ever these days and Zayn just dropped his sophomore album, so why the hell not. I hven't written in years, it'll be fun to see how my writing has changed. Hopefully for the better cause 1-30 was corny AF lol .  

May 26th 2015

So the trip to New York was cancelled. Liv and I stayed inside for a while. We watched netflix and cuddled on the couch. It seemed to be the only thing she was capable of. She hadn't said much. Hadn't ate much either. I was watching her spirit break right in front of me. 

"Olivia," I said, pausing the show we'd been binge-ing. "I can't let this continue." I said when she finally looked over at me. 

"Let what continue?" She said lowly. 

"This. What we're doing right now. The wallowing. I'm scared and you're scared, but we can't both be scared. One of us has to to be brave and I'll do that. So if I'm doing that you have to work with me. I can see you losing faith, and it's only been a couple days since we spoke to Trish. Why don't we call her?" I stood from the couch, as I pulled up the contacts on my phone. I found Trish's number and called her. 

As the phone rang I walked over to the windows and opened up the curtains. Olivia's silence was beginning to bother me. "Hello?"

"Trish, hey, I was wondering if you had any news? I'm hoping to cheer Olivia up." I spoke, looking at the view of London. 

"Yes and no. This person is someone who knows me. This person is, someone close to me." She was quiet. 

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I pinged their location and it's from my village. This is about revenge. I've done something. I must've crossed a line, somewhere or another." 

"What?" I was confused and this was becoming too heavy for me. I knew exactly how Liv felt, but I told her I'd be the brave one. "Crossed what line?"

"We can't talk about this over the phone," she said angrily then hung up. 

I stared at my screen for the longest time before turning back to face Liv. "What'd she say?"

"She said it's her fault and that she'd crossed a line and she can't speak about it over the phone and that's literally it." I shrugged. "Maybe we should just go to the police-"

"No, then we all die." She vigorously shook her head. "If the police find out about Trish, she will kill her way out of the situation, then she'd be forced to come back and kill us too for talking too much. Or Trish's organization will come for us because she shared her secret with us and put them all at risk. At the end of the day we know too much and she talks too much." Olivia stood and stormed off to the bathroom. 

She felt stuck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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