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Jamie's POV

I head out to Grayson's apartment that he lives in with his brother Ethan.

I wasn't thinking too much of Grayson, but more of my prom date.

I needed to somehow think of an excuse of my non-exsisting date not beong with me because I know Grayson will ask for sure.

I get to their appartment and knock on the door a little rough.

The door opens and their stands Ethan.

"Hey, Jamie right?" he asks.

"Yeah. Ethan?"

"Mhm. Grayson is just in his room looking for something." he says inviting me in.

"His room should be down the hall to the left." he says leaving to the kitchen.


I walk down the hall and into Grayson's room to see him only in sweats.

"Hey." I say scaring him a little.

"Oh my god, sorry. Hey babe." he says getting up from his desk giving me a hug.

"How've you been?" I asked.

"Good actually, how about you?"

"Good too."

The room was silence for a good 30 seconds.

The fact that Grayson was only in sweats, kinda turned me on, which is weird. I don't like him like that but damn.

"Come join me." he says breaking the silence.

I didn't want to, but did at the same time. So I just said fuck it and joined him in bed.

He wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me closer.

"You're so cute when you're tired." he spoke softly.

"What? I'm not tired." I say.

"That explains why you're eyes are getting heavy?"

"Sorry, didn't have my coffee this morning, neither did I have a good sleep last night either."

"That's okay. Feel free to just go to sleep. I know you need your beauty sleep anyways."

By that point I started to fall asleep.

He kissed me lightly on the forehead with his soft pillow like lips.


hey yall, sorry i didnt update in a while, SCHOOL SUCKS SHIT.

but, maybe look forward to a new book???

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