Chapter 17

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Gerald Maxwell had been interviewed by the police and sent on to the hospital for repairs along with a mentally empty Zeena, who wasn't coherent during any of the questioning. A stocky little policewoman with a butch haircut, flat shoes and an incongruously coloured silk scarf, took Ted's statement again and advised him to remain in the hotel or at least in Hammond until they were able to ascertain Miss West's condition.

"Why would that involve me?"

"We only have your word that you heard suspicious sounds and called for assistance. You might have been the rapist."

"What? Are you nuts? You have the guy's statement. Did he say it was me?"

"No, sir."

"Well then?"

"Officer Wren." The tall detective who conducted the first interviews marched over to Ted and the policewoman. "Is there something additional you needed from this gentleman?"

"No, sir."

"Then I suggest you accompany your partner to the hospital and see what you can get from the victim when she's able."

"Yes, sir." She almost saluted and stalked away on little milk bottle legs.

"Sorry about her." She is so by the bloody book it's scary sometimes."

"You called her officer Wren?" Ted grinned.

"Yes. Abigale Wren, of the Wren Plumbing and Heating firm."

"Is that significant?"

"If you want water or heat in your home in Hammond it is. They are very big in this city. By the way, it was a good thing you heard his cry for help. He was losing a lot of blood from that mashed face. Apparently he and the woman were here screwing one another's brains out as well as sampling various stimulants. His blood had no chance of clotting and she is in very bad shape. The animal that did those things is really one sick puppy... no pun intended."

"Is this a case of jealous boyfriend or a random room invasion or what?"

"Could be. The man isn't very forthcoming on the circumstances yet. We're sending someone out to his home to notify the wife. Poor woman. It's always these older guys that want the young dames to play with."

"Yeah." Ted hastily calculated the difference between he and Toni and didn't think he qualified.

"I know it's inconvenient but Wren was actually correct in asking you to remain available until we get everybody's statement verified. And you'll need to come down and sign your own statement when it's ready."

Ted laughed and shook his head. "A price to pay for every good deed."

"Sorry." The detective moved back to the group examining the room.

Ted went back to his own room and dug out his print outs from the computer shop. Gabe Tucker perfectly matched the description the man had given. Never mind the fact that he said he heard his companion call him Gabe. Ted felt his stomach clench as he realized how close he'd been to the killer of Nadine. When the cops had entered Tucker's room they found nothing except an address for a Curtis Martin and Ted managed to stay in the way long enough to make sure he learned what it was.


Curtis threw all the luggage in the trunk of his Ford Taurus and then ran back upstairs for one last check. Sandra sat in the car and waited and while she did she turned on the radio in time to hear the late breaking news about the rape in the Grantly Hotel and the suspect named Gabe Tucker.

"Curtis jumped into the driver's seat. "All set?"

"Listen a minute." She pushed the buttons until she heard another newscast and then waited, one finger up for silence. When the story was repeated, Curtis slumped in his seat and gaped at her.

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