Her Love

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Ok. So since I been M.I.A, I thought of doing a small short story that might be a couple chapters. I'll keep on doing the small short stories, they might become full books maybe, maybe not. It all depends now onto the story......

"We'll have a house with out 2.5 kids" he said as we laid on the grass in the park. Our hands were interlocking with each other's,

"2.5 kids, what does that even mean" I said turning to face him,

"It's means 2 kids and you being pregnant with the third" he explained

"I only want two kids" I said

"I want 3, maybe more" he said, I was shocked he wanted this many kids

"You can have them" I said sitting up, I can feel him get up as well, his hands snaked around my waist.

"You'll still marry me right" he said kissing my neck, he knew that was my weak spot

"Depends if I'm free for the the rest of my life" I said he stopped, and pulled me back on his lap, I loved joking with him.

He's use to getting everything he wants that why it was so hard for him to date me. I wasn't gonna date him without making him put some effort.

"You don't want to marry me?" He asked, I could hear his voice crack a little

"Honey, I love you and I would be the luckiest girl alive to marry you" I said hoping he got the hint, he smiled and leaned in to kiss me,

I was deeply and madly in love with my future husband Daniel Ryder, forever and always.

Wedding Day

"Are you ready" my best friend asked.

I was nervous, this was it, I was gonna marry my fiancé and live the rest of my life being called Mrs. Ryder. Crazy thing is I couldn't wait to be called that, I nodded and started the walk to the front of the entrance.

Daniel was a son of a businessman, his father was great at his work but sucked at everything else. Daniel grew up knowing that he never wanted to end up like his father. His mother on the other hand was a great women who loved her kids more than anything and I was one of them. She welcomed me into the family while my future father in law didn't like the way his son was heading.

Daniel was the youngest, he had an older sister who doesn't like me that much, but it's ok I'll win her over soon enough. She became the son there father always wanted and Daniel had no problems with that.

"We have a problem" our event planner said coming right next to me, my head turn so fast to her direction that I pulled something in my neck,

"What's going on?" my mother asked

"The grooms not here" she said, I felt everyone's eyes on me

My heart dropped as those words came out her mouth, I took a couple steps back until I felt the wall, I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I closed my eyes. All our memories were flashing in front of my eyes the good, the bad, the in between everything.

I tired going through all of them looking for any indication that he was gonna leave me, that when I realized that I was overreacting, he could have been late. Yes, he's late that's all.

"He's late, it's ok. He's gonna come" I said straightening my body and walking in front of the door, I put a smile on my face and held onto my bouquet,

"I'll tell everyone we're running a little late, until he gets here" the event planner said and went to make the announcement

"He's gonna be here, don't worry" I said to my family and friends, I might have said it to reassure myself but that's all I could do right now.

So I waited, and waited, never losing hope until one of the waiters came running in.

"There's been an accident on the highway, there's a huge pile up" he said, I ran to the bar where the news was on, I could hear everyone come right behind me, the news reporter said that the pile up was caused by a speeding truck. The truck didn't see the other car and both of them were in the hospital now, they didn't know the name of the drivers but once I saw the car I knew, it was Daniel.

I turned and saw the look on everyone's face, they all started thinking the worst, he wasn't dead. He was in the hospital that it, once I see him everything will be alright. We don't even have to get married, all I need to know is that he's ok.

A couple hours later we were at the hospital, I had a robe over the dress and ran to the receptionist, she looked tired and over worked.

"Where's Daniel Ryder?" I asked her, she looked at my outfit before looking at me

"We were gonna get married today, I just need to know if he's alive" I begged her,

"He good, he was lucky, he wasn't injured that badly. His room number is 342" she said,

I ran up the stairs until I reached the third floor. I started running down the halls looking for his room until I saw it. I stopped and slowly made my way to his room, as I walked inside I could see him sleeping. He had a few cuts on his face but that was it, he was bandaged over his chest and arm but he looked fine. I let a breath of relief which caused him to open his eyes. My heart soured when he looked at me but then I felt it crack.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked, I was taken a back, this wasn't Daniel,

"Oh god, don't tell me your an obsessed fan. Is that a wedding dress?" he said looking at me with disgust, I felt my heart start to shatter at his word. I was barely containing the tears in my eyes when he started pressing a button on his bed.

"Where the hell, is the doctor or nurses? How did they let you in my room?" He said yelling for someone to come, my legs started moving back, he turned to look at me. His face saying how angry he was that a "fan" made it into his room.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were my fiancé. I'm really sorry" I said, his eyes soften for just a moment, I could see my Daniel in them but he wasn't there anymore.

"I'm really sorry" I said backing up, I kept on saying sorry until I was out the door. The tears were down my face when I finally turned around to see my family there waiting, they all were waiting for me. I couldn't help but smile as the tears were coming down my face.

"It wasn't him, I got the wrong room." I said as I reached in front of them,

"I'm so tired, I just want to go home. Can you guys handle everything?" I asked still with a smile on my face,

"Sure, sweetie" my mom said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes,

"It's ok Mom" I said,

I turned to smile at everyone else when I saw his family come through the elevator doors. His dad and sister walked right past me to his room but his mom stopped, her eyes full of unshed tears for me. I walked towards her, she grabbed both sides of my face and kissed my forehead. As we pulled apart, I could see the tears starts to roll down her face, I wiped them off.

"It's ok, just take care of him" I said, she smiled at me before walking to his room not before turning back once last time,

I closed my eyes to let my emotions go until I opened them again and started walking to the elevator.

The happiest day of my life, was the day I lost my soulmate.....

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