Patient 25

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Hey, I know I been completely off the face of the world, but its school and I'm busy with stuff. LOL my shows and good Wattpad books!!!!! Had an idea for this series of books and I'm scared on how its gonna turn out but ready for the ride.



You know how life plays games with you all the time but then when something finally is good for a moment you forget about life and just start living until Life comes back into the picture and rips it from you. It happened one to many times and I kept fighting until He came, I thought my life was going to change for the better, I mean can't a girl dream but sometimes dreams are meant to be dreams.

"Get up, you can't keep living like this" my best friend of so long said to me,

"Actually, I can since, I'm sick" she said to me,

"Oh boohoo, your in remission" she said again while pulling me up my coach,

"It can still come back, you know" I said, while fixing my coach,

"Were going outside and enjoying the beautiful weather" she said and handed me, my jacket. We got ready and walked the beach, I moved down to Florida when I first heard my diagnoses and stayed thinking I would die soon. We were laughing about this couple having a full blown makeout scence in a park, when I bumped into someone.

He turned to apologize, I was about to apologize but we both stopped, I don't know why he stopped for, but I stopped because he was one hell of a hot guy.

"I'm sorry" I said

"I'm sorry as well" he said and smiled at me, I felt a blush come onto to my face,

"I'm the one who bumped into you" I said

"I'm the one who couldn't say anything because of how beautiful you are" he said, I was laughing at this point and he looked at me,

"You sure know how to pick up a girl" I said, which caused him to laugh, and just like that we started dating not to long after.

Everything was going good for us, until he proposed to me, I mean I love him but I'm not ready to tell him about the cancer yet. Just like that my life was snatched from me again, I tried to make things right but he didn't want to hear none of it.

He finally came back after a month, saying he needed space, I was happy again, thing took a while to get back how they were but just as I was enjoying life again.

"So, I know you don't want to get married but my parents still want to meet you" he said on the road going to his parents house, I was nervous and even more nervous about the party held later on that day, I know he's still hurt that I didn't tell him why I don't want to marry him, but I can't.

It's bad enough that my parents were affected by it and now him, no I won't do it to him either. I was stressing going to the party anyhow, but he made me feel like it was nothing and I can't help but love him more for that. The minute we walked inside the house, his entire family came out and introduced themselves. They were the picture perfect family that I always wanted and dreamed off when I was in the hospital and they can be mine now, if I just say the word but I don't know why somewhere in my heart I feel like if I say it, I might cause more harm then happiness to not only him but myself. His family were amazing, I felt like part of them, then the guest came and I finally felt like I belonged. I was talking to his mother, when she was telling me that I should make an honest man out of her son and that she's happy he found someone.

I knew I had to say yes, I went to find him and see him laughing with a pretty girl, he saw me and his smile got bigger and told me to come. I was walking when I felt a small pain in my head, maybe it was all the drinks I been having.

"Amy, this is my girlfriend Nina" he said and smiled at me,

"Hi, Amy" I said, she smiled at me and he left me with her,

"So how long have you and Adam been friends" I asked her and she gave me a sweet smile,

"We grew up together, and dated for 3 years" she said, I can't believe he never told me,

I went to go look for him when I felt tired all of a sudden, I went to our room and I knew it was back. I started crying, and that's when I started coughing uncontrollably. I saw the blood and rushed to the bathroom trying to get rid of it but the coughing was coming back and back. I couldn't even get to my bed, I saw my phone on the ground and called Adam. It rang but he never picked up, I called my best friend and left a voice mail that it was back. I called him again and he picked up but it was to loud, I told him I was in our room.

I waited for him to come, I kept on coughing up blood and knew sooner or later I was gonna pass out but I hoped to see him. I feel my eyes about to give out when he opened the door, he looked happy for a moment before the fear in his eyes showed in his face. He dropped to the ground and came closer to me, he pulled me onto to his lap and called 911, I smiled and looked at him studying his face. I felt my eyes about to give out but I needed to tell him everything but I couldn't so I said the only word that could fix everything.


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