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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Gravity falls.

NOTES: I'm sure I lost a lot of readers because of how long it took for me to able to focus on this fanfiction again. If you're one people who waited so long for me to update and didn't give up on this fanfic I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I give you all a very special treat, Bill's point of view.  

Tell me what think in the comments about my writing this part. Has it gotten better, worse, or the is still the same?


Mabel stood there in horror as the words sunk in. No way. She couldn't.....could she? Tears swelled in her eyes. She couldn't lose her innocence like this. She just couldn't, but if she didn't then she will be his slave forever. Her whole body started shake violently and her legs gave out under her.

Bill was at awe. He know humans were fragile, but this.....this was hilarious!! How can some words send someone from perfectly fine too a hot mess in seconds? The only thing keeping him from laughing was the fact the the hot mess was Shooting Star. That damn human was getting in his way of destroying all the journals. He knew it would probably get to this point where he would have to break the deal with her to get fully get what he wants. He tried to be nice with her and get her to trust or like him so breaking the deal would be easier. He even turned into his damn human form that he hated so much. What did he get for it? A hot mess....but for some reason he didn't feel pissed off. He got pissed off at stuff that was a smaller deal than this.

Bill sighed. "Shooting Star..." He changed the mindscape to where Shooting Star was sitting on a yellow couch next to him. She was still shaking violently and sobbing. This girl should never be like this. It was pathetic. She should be yelling at him or trying to shoot cats at him (It wouldn't work though if she tried. Slaves should never hurt their masters.) Her breaking down like this wasn't like her.

He scooted closer to her and hesitantly put his arms around her. That's what humans do right? The thought was confirmed when Shooting Star leaned against him buried her face in his shoulder. Gross all her tears where getting his sweatshirt wet. She was still crying and shaking about an hour later. Damn this girl. He couldn't move with out making her more upset. She grabbed his sweatshirt with her hand when she leaned on him.

Bill was bored out of his mind now. He stopped reading her mind like 10 minutes in. Her mind was a broken record. I can't. I can't. I can't. He laid his head on the back of couch, looked up. Eventually he closed his eyes and let his mind go blank. He wasn't sleeping demons don't need sleep. It's simply a way to make time go by faster. His mind would go blank but still be aware of what going on around him. It would make no sense to human but to a demon it everyday knowledge.

His finally sensed something. She wasn't shaking. He slowly opened his eyes to look at her. Before his eyes were fully open something collided with his face. What was going on? It took half a second for him to realize. She was kissing him. Shooting Star was going to do it. Her lips were soft as pillows. Brand new pillows. He returned the favor.


NOTE: NOPE! STILL NOT SMUT OR LEMON! YOU WISH! (Oh wait you don't wish it....l like you) Omg! I forgot how fun it is to write. I might actually have another chapter out night. Also this will be my first time writing a kissing scene so please forgive me if it's terrible.

I think this is the longest part so far!


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