Beside The Bathroom Sink

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*Author's Note*

Okay everybody, get those tissues ready! I'm so sorry for not sticking to my update schedule lately, but I've been so busy memorizing lines, memorizing a speech, coping with the stress of honors orchestra, and not to mention school. I do have to confess that I'm not quite sure what's going to happen somewhere around two chapters after this one so if any of you want to give me any ideas, please feel free to leave a comment or to message me. I also have to give a credit to Darius Rucker because I am currently listening to his newest song, If I Told You as inspiration, and partly because for some reason it makes me cry. Also, I suggest reading this while listening to Martina McBride's song Concrete Angel to get the complete tear-jerking experience for this chapter. That's all for now my lovely readers!

*Alya's POV*

The next day all went by in a blur. I couldn't concentrate through any of my classes, not that it mattered. I'd be dead before first period tomorrow anyway. As the final bell rang and I shot up out of my chair to leave, I started to worry. Not about me, but about Miles. I didn't want to think about how he'd react to my death. I saw him in the hallway for only a second as I walked to my locker. That was it. The last time I'd ever see him. I took everything out of my locker, and what wouldn't fit in my backpack, I carried.

A cold, sharp wind greeted me as I walked out the door. The snow still hadn't let up since last night, and now I was hit with nostalgia each time one of those pure, white specks hit my face.

I walked Miles to the front door, and not caring about the cold, I followed him out onto the front porch. A wave of sadness washed over me as I pulled the door closed from outside. I ran right up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. No tears fell, no pain in my throat told me I was going to cry, nothing. I managed to lift my face to his. Our lips met gracefully, and withing seconds I was enveloped in a warm, passionate kiss.

When we both came up for air, I noticed a confused  look flash across his face. I took a step back as the tears threatened to spring from my eyes. I took a deep breath to steady my emotions, and it worked surprisingly well. I'd started shivering, and I couldn't decide if it was from the cold or from how close I was to having an anxiety attack.

"Alya, what was that?" He asked.

"Nothing. It just felt right." Lies. Kissing him did feel right, but... "Goodnight Miles, I love you."

"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow night and we'll catch a movie."

"Sounds good, bye." I responded as  he started down my driveway.

"See you tomorrow!" He smiled, from what I could see in the soft light of the streetlamps. I waved at him, and he started disappearing down my street.

"No, you won't." I whispered to myself.

A shove from behind pulls me away from my memory. I trip, and everything I had been carrying ends up flying out of my hands. I scramble to pick it all up, and after that, I get home as fast as I can. I run up to my door and snatch my house key from my purse and unlock the door. I get inside and go up to my room. I set all my things down on my bed and tear a blank piece of paper from one of my notebooks. I take my time writing my suicide note, since it's the last piece of me anyone will ever have. When I'm done, I pick it up and carry it with me to the main bathroom of the house.

I set the note down on the vanity, just to the right of the sink. I open the medicine cabinet, but something's just wrong. Seeing Miles last night was the last time I'd hear his voice, and the last time he'd hear mine. I pull my phone out of my pocket and select his contact to call it. I don't even give him the chance to say anything once he answers.

"Miles I love you so much. And, I just want you to know that... That there isn't anything you could've done to stop this. I don't want you to feel responsible for what I'm about to do. I love you, bye."

"Alya wai-" I didn't let him finish, I just hung up the phone. I look back up at the medicine cabinet, and looking around inside it for a little orange prescription bottle. I pulled one out and looked at the label, it was a bottle of what I'm pretty sure was my mom's sleeping pills. I tried to twist off the cap, but it wouldn't budge. I squeezed, I pulled, hit it against the bathroom counter-top, I tried everything. I was sobbing-no, pretty much scream crying- in my bathroom for what felt like an eternity. It had been several minutes since I'd called Miles. I heard noise downstairs, but I ignored it and kept trying.

But out of nowhere the bathroom door- which was still about halfway open- bursts all the way open and I see Miles, he's standing there in complete shock, and he looks completely broken.


"I can't get the damn bottle open!" I screamed, just before starting to sob again. I try to pull the bottle open again but he grabs it out of my hands and throws it across the floor. Little blue tablets are all over the floor by the bathtub, and he's standing with me, holding me so tight I can barely breathe. Paramedics rush in just seconds after, followed by my mother, but that's the last thing I remember, because I think I heard them talking about putting me on some kind of sedative.

*Author's Note*

There it is! If anybody has seen the movie 'Cyberbully' you might know where I got some of my inspiration from (hint hint). Very emotional chapter, but don't put those tissues away yet, ladies and gentlemen. Again, I'm so sorry for not updating but my life has been pretty crazy lately. Show night is in one week and one day so.... Yeah pretty crazy! Bye for now, I'll try my best to update this week/weekend if I can!

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