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I woke up with the sun in my face and Kenny with his arms around me. I have been on bed rest every since the last IVF procedure Kenny won't let me lift a finger he's scared if I am pregnant I will have a miscarriage.

Toni: Kenny ?

Kenny: mmm five more mintues

Toni: I need to go to the bathroom

Kenny: Ok call me if you need me

Toni has been in the bathroom 15 mintues Kenny notice shes hasn't gotten back in the bed, he hears her crying

Kenny: ( knock knock) Toni! Unlock the door are you ok ?

Toni: Yea baby I'm fine ( crying )

Kenny: Open the door

Toni: Kenny im fine please leave me alone

Kenny grabs the key above the door

Kenny: Toni what's wrong?

Toni: We did it! I'm pregnant!!

Kenny: What? Are you serious?!

Toni: Yes look at the test it's positive

Kenny: Baby I'm so happy we need to call Dr Jackie just to be sure

Toni: Ok I will call them now

Calls Doctors Office

Toni: Ok baby they could only fit me in next week

Kenny: Ok until then I will make sure you are treated like the queen you are

Toni: Thanks baby but until it's confirmed we can't tell anyone I don't want to get everyone excited only to be disappointed

Kenny : I agree now let's get you back in the bed

Toni: Ok

Dr Jackie Office

Dr Jackie: Hey Toni how is everything going

Toni: Its going ok I've had some cramps and a little spotting but I'm ok

Dr Jackie: Ok let's get some blood work and a ultrasound and go from there

After test

Dr Jackie: Ok Toni Its confirmed you are Pregnant!

Kenny:Thank God

Dr Jackie: Well I wouldn't get excited yet let's do the ultrasound to see your baby

As Dr Jackie puts the gel on Toni stomach Kenny holds her hand as the look on

Dr Jackie: Ok I see the baby you are a few weeks along



I'm so glad god answered our prayers Toni is so happy last time we lost a baby she got so depressed she tried to kill herself I found her just in time...

Dr Jackie: Yes 4 weeks but there's a problem

Kenny: What do you mean there is a problem?

Dr Jackie: Well it's true Toni is pregnant but it's not like you think, see the baby is not in the uterus it's in her tubes it's called a ectopic pregnancy I'm sorry

Kenny: So whats next?

Dr Jackie: I'm sorry Toni Im gonna have to do a medical procedure and put you on some medicine for a few days but you will be fine

Toni:No! ( crying) I want my baby

Dr Jackie: I know Toni Im sorry, I'm going to step out to give you some time alone

Toni: ( crying) omg Ken I don't understand what? How?

Kenny: Shhh! ( holding her) it's ok baby we did everything right sometimes god have another plan we know nothing about

Toni: You are right, What about the other option she was talking about

Kenny: Talking about getting a Surrogate?

Toni: Yea I'm open to that cause my heart can't take it any more

Kenny: Ok whatever you want to do is fine with me

Dr Jackie walks in

Toni: Ok we are going to get a surrogate

Dr Jackie: Ok you can come back in 3 weeks to help you find one

Kenny:Ok thanks we will see you on Friday for the procedure

Dr Jackie: Ok you can check out up front and again I'm sorry

In the way home the car ride was silent neither said a word about the news of loosing another baby .Kenny helped Toni upstairs to get in the bed all she could do is ball up and cry. Kenny went into his walk in closet he didn't want Toni to see him cry .

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