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Edmonds Home

Toni walks into the house it's completely dark except there is a light on upstairs in one of the rooms, she yells Nicole name but no one answered. Toni walks up the stairs slowly as she hears singing . Toni see Nicole in the nursery rocking chair rocking back and fourth holding the cat.

Toni: Nicole? What are you doing?

Nicole: Nothing just singing to my baby boy

Toni: Don't you mean our baby boy

Nicole: No I meant what I said, Ken didn't tell you?  He said he's leaving you for me, he said we are going to get married and have our own family and live happily ever after

Toni: Oh is that right?

Nicole: Yes Ken says he's tired of being with a woman that can't have his children and he's tired of your sisters

Toni: Its funny how you think you are going to just move me out the way

Nicole raise up out of the chair giving Toni this stern look

Nicole:Oh you think it's going to be that easy? No matter what Kenny is going to be mine even if it means YOU DYING!!!!

Nicole tries to stab Toni with the knife she had behind her back, Toni moves only cutting Toni arm

Toni: You stupid bitch Kenny will never leave me for you

Toni slams her to the ground making the knife drop out of her hand, Nicole tries to choke Toni to let her go but Toni gives out of breath and falls to the floor, as Nicole retrieve the knife to stab Toni, Toni head butts her making both collapse Nicole water breaks during the fight.

Toni reaches her cell to call 911

Nicole screams in pain, Toni blacks out from being hit from behind in the head....

Tamar House

Kenny:Tamar Im starting to worry I haven't heard from Toni

Tamar: You know if that bitch tries anything Toni will kill her pregnant or not

Kenny: Yea I remember back when we were in the studio in 96 and she saw one of the background singers trying to brush up on me to grab my manhood,cause she so call heard how big it was and she wanted to find out for herself , Toni grabbed her by the hair slinging her to the ground breaking her nose.

Tamar: Chile!!! I remember that she don't play when it comes to you that hoe got read and snatched up real quick.

Kenny: Lol

Tamar: I'm going to text her

Kenny phone rings

Kenny: Hello

Police:May I speak with Kenny Edmonds please

Kenny: You are speaking to him

Police: This is Atlanta police we got a call from your residence regarding your wife and another person we need you to get to the hospital  soon as possible sir

Kenny: Thank You I'm on my way (hangs up)

Tamar: Kenny what's wrong?

Kenny: Im not sure but we need to get to the hospital now!

Tamar: Ok let me tell Vince and we can go the Nanny will watch Logan and Peyton

Kenny and Tamar rush to the hospital En'route Tamar calls the rest of the family

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Receptionist: Hi may I help you?

Kenny: Im looking for my wife, Toni Braxton

Receptionist: Shes in room 412 on the 4th floor

Kenny: Thank You

The police are guarding Toni door

Police: Are you Kenny Edmonds?

Kenny:. Yes

Police: Your wife is in stable condition she has trauma  to the head but will be fine, I understand that you and your wife have a Nicole Pantenburg AkA Nicole Gonzalez as your surrogate who went into labor during the fight

Kenny: Yes where is she?

Police: Thats what I was going to ask you,she's missing

Kenny: What? No! She could kill our son!

Police: We A Alert out for her right now soon as we here something we will contact you

Tamar and Kenny go in to visit Toni while they wait for the call

1 hr later

Police:Mr Edmonds we have found Nicole she delivered the baby at Los Angeles Medical Center but she left hours later, do you know where she could be?

Kenny: Yes I have a idea....

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