Author's note

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It's feels so strange to have finished Night Visions! It's like when you've been running (mind the lame reference) for a long time and you finally stop. Your legs itch, but they still have this inertia, this impulse to run. It's somehow similar to that. I'm glad I've finished the story, but at the same time I want to continue writing it. That's what prequels are for, right? We'll talk about that later, don't worry. Before that, I'd like to thank the ones who made this possible.

First of all, thanks to James Dashner for creating TMR. The story couldn't have found a better author. Thank you for inspiring me and many other writers.

When I first started the story, I was very nervous about my English: typos, grammar mistakes, weird structures, poor vocab, you know the stuff. I got a crew of critiquers that, honestly, couldn't have been better! Thanks to live-artistically, thesongist, DarkWolf13, HazelClaireIvy, StarSyn, Out_Foxed, smileforlola, clairelaura, EMSkeelsCaldwell, _BigV_, and, of course, the wonderful and talented MariaBlisse. I still owe you the critique... Klunk! It's my last-half-of-the-year resolution to do it.

Even though an author can have a fantastic idea, a jaw-dropping cover, a superbe style and all the good stuff, they're nothing without an audience. For being not only readers, but also awesome people, I would like to thank:

Ire_mg, for always being there. You're always the first comment, the notification 20 secs after I click "Publish", the orange light on my phone and the cause of half of my smiles every day. With you by my side, writing can never be a burden, only a party. I'm sorry for breaking your heart so often and giving you strokes. I swear they all get happy endings... in the Underworld!

WhoTheFxckAmI. If we were talking about Norse mythology, I were Odin and Ire were Hugin, you would be Munin; not because you girls are like two crows, but because you're always there. Like Munin, you're out for the day, but then return at night with your enthusiasm, comments, votes and fangirling. Same as with Ire: sorry for breaking your heart. I hope I redeemed myself a bit with this ending, though!

lovemenewt, you're also a very important one when talking about Night Visions. Your silent votes made my day (who doesn't want to wake up with a Sangster pic on their notifications?), and the times you commented always made my day. Specially the one on Chapter 26—it's one of the most beautiful things anyone has told me about my writing in my entire life.

open_mentalist_mind, what can I say? You read TMR at breakneck speed, you fangirled them through, you drew an awesome summary that makes me crack up every time I see it in my gallery, you ship Newtmas and you're a bloody brilliant person. What else can I say? Oh, yeah—a fer la mà.

 unlikelydreamer, Unicorn-Swagger, xMotionlessBridex,PickleGerard, ebosu123, TheMazeRunnerLuver14, mixedimagine, sabina57, NewtieGotBooty, beaelizabeth, Forgottenlover3742, SomedayItWillBeOkay, thank you from the bottom of my heart as well. Your votes and sporadic comments helped me get through when I was at my worst, and if I continued with Night Visions, it was because you were there. It's been a honour to have you as my readers—I hope I'll see you again in Before you go!

All the ghost readers who didn't vote nor comment, but still gave Night Visions a shot and read it. Even if you didn't get this far, even if you only read one chapter, I'm still forever grateful. Every read is a small victory. Every time someone reads a word I've written, I'm closer to my dream of being a successful writer here.

Last, but not least, I would like to thank all people who dare write fanfiction. Your courage serves as an examples for us Greenies.

Night Visions was first published March the 21st, on my birthday, and it's finally finished today, September the 28th. It's been six months and a week—and I've loved every second. I've been given my Cambridge Advanced Exam certificate today; I got a C2.  I firmly believe that writing Night Visions had a lot to do with getting a 208/210. Thanks to this story, to your feedback, to TMR, I've learnt a lot more than I ever expected to.

This isn't a goodbye, but a see you later. I hope we'll meet again for the very first chapter of Before You Go, the prequel which will tell the story behind the visions, and how Newt and Thomas really met. I can't wait to share it with you! Meanwhile, be careful and don't die.

Loads of love, fartons and horchata,

—Neko xxx

Night Visions (TMR) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now