No, I am that crazy!

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(^what Cassie looks like^)

History. The dictionary definition is "the whole series of past events connected with a particular person or thing." or "the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.". My definition of history is "something that's in the past that should just be let go of." But still, here I'm am sitting in a stupid classroom learning about stuff I could literally care less about. I nearly hate history more than I hate geese...... Nearly.

To calm myself down a little bit, I pull out my phone and look at pictures of ducks. Yes. To answer your un-asked question I may, or may not be slightly obsessed with ducks. Okay, that's a one of the biggest lies I've ever told. I'm hugely obsessed with ducks. I love ducks more than I love anything else in this human filled world.

"Ms. White? I asked you a question." Mr. Kenzie says snapping me out of my fantasy about being a duck. Damn you Mr. Kenzie, that was a good fantasy.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kenzie, could you repeat the question?" I say finally turning of my phone.

"Ms. White, you should be paying attention during class. That is unless of coarse you want a detention?" He says with a evil smile. Why do teachers think that kids are so scared of detentions? But then again most kids are scared of detentions.

"Sorry Mr Kenzie, I'll try harder next time." I said quickly trying to get out of this boring conversation.

"You should try harder Ms. White, also where's last weeks home work?" As soon as he finishes his sentence I quickly try think of a good excuse for not doing it.

"Mr. Kenzie, this is kinda irrelevant but would you punish me for something I didn't do?" I say, a sly smile creeps it's way onto my lips. His face full of confusion as he replies.

"Umm, well if you didn't do anything then... I guess... No, no I wouldn't punish you. Why are you asking me that anyways?"

"Well, I didn't do my homework. To bad I can't get punish though, isn't that right Mr. Kenzie?" The look of shock was clear on his old wrinkly face. I guess he's not use to teenagers out smarting him. Just as he was about to reply the a warning alarm rang through our classroom. I could only just make out what the speakers were saying. They said: "Warning all students of rose gate high, there are four armed men on our premise. Please lock your classroom doors, stay away from the windows and remain clam. I repeat, lock your doors, stay away from the windows and remain calm."

As soon as the message finished, some boys and girls in our classroom started crying hysterically while complaining about how they are going to die, while I just sat there cool as a cucumber.

About two minutes later I look up from my phone because I sense commotion outside on the school field. Sure enough, there are two armed guys standing on the field looking like someone just murdered there family and wants revenge. All of a sudden one of the guys points to something close to them. The other one smirks. I look towards where guy #1 was pointing, and then I see them.

Three ducklings and a mother duck waddling across the field. They better not be planning on killing them. I swear if they do I'll kill them and send them to live in the pits of hell with the evil geese army. I shiver from the thought. Guy #2 raises his gun. And that's all it takes for me to get up and grab my bag from the corner of the classroom we are hiding in and sprint towards one of the exits that leads to the field.

 And that's all it takes for me to get up and grab my bag from the corner of the classroom we are hiding in and sprint towards one of the exits that leads to the field

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