Me? Psycho? What, no!!

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Enjoy my duck loving friends!
(Not edited)

After sitting in my half clean half dirty room for about thirty seconds, i come to the realization that i didn't get to eat any of Christian's Mac and cheese. Should i risk the humiliation and go eat. Or should I save my reputation an-

Connie: are you kidding me! WHAT reputation!?

Cassie: hey! I'll have you know people think of me as a smart, strong, person with great character!

Connie: you're also commonly known as "really weird."

Cassie: and you're commonly known as annoying!

Connie: again, that's you not me.

Cassie: do you come with a mute button?

Connie: nope, and sadly neither do you. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to up with you until you die.

Cassie: and vise versa.

Connie: just go eat the Mac and cheese for crying out loud. It's not like you need a reputation, but it's not like you need Mac and cheese either.

Cassie: what do you mean I don't need Mac and cheese.

Connie: hey! I'm just saying your getting kinda chubby.

Cassie: No I'm not! How dare you say something like that! Food is BAE! I don't care what you say I'm going to keep eating until I'm so big and chubby that I can't even move! And no one, and I mean no one will stop me!
--------------------Three hours later--------------------
"Aaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!" I cried. "I feel so sick! Who's idea was this! It is the worst idea I've ever heard of!" Tears are now coming down my face fast then you can say "Ducks are better than geese." It's a true fact guys. Don't doubt it.

"Yeah, Cassie that was your bad idea. You came up with it." Says the evil geese leader/Mr. Meanie/Finn.

"If i wasn't in the worst pain ever from eating everything in the fridge. Then I would strangle all the air out of your pathetic lungs!" I scream while clutching my poor, poor stomach that's now probably stretched bigger than a large fridge freezer. And to answer your question, yes, I did eat everything I could find that was eatable in the fridge and freezer, and I'm feeling sick. Very sick.

"Maybe if you didn't eat so much, you would be able to 'strangle all the air out of my pathetic lungs'. But oh, guess what? You did eat everything, so you can't." The evil leader of geese says while an amused smirk appears on his handso- No! Annoying and ugly face.

Connie: he's right! You know you should listen to him. He's smart.

"SHUT UP CONNIE! He is not smart!"

Connie: obviously your not either! You just scream that out loud you dumbass!

"Hey! I'm smart. And I'm NOT a dumbass. Wait am I speaking out loud again?"

Connie: yep, dumb dumb.

"Omg..... are you a psycho?!" Says Benny. I soon realized I gathered a small (or rather large) audience. That's when I go as red as a sunburnt lobster.

"Me? Psycho? What, no!!" I laugh awkwardly while everybody stares at me. As I stand the pain seems to subside. people start backing away from me.

Connie: hey! Guess what.

Cassie: i don't know, what?

Connie: you've got a reputation now. The creepy girl that talks to herself and eats to much. (Authors note...... that's meeeeeee.)

"Excuse me! I don't even talk to myself, what are you talking about!"

Connie: Cassie, you just did.

"Oh, really? Okay............ this is awkward. I'm gonna go now." I say while starting to walk towards my room, people part from each other to make way for me, it's like they think if they get to close they might contract a crazy disease. I can't lie, they might. I may have just ate some foods that could've been off since last year. But who knows.
Not me that's for sure.

Just as I'm reaching for the door handle to my bedroom/attic a hear high pitch squeal from down the hallway. Me, obviously thinking someone's dying, turn around to find a miniature evil goose leader a few meters away from me.
Oh gosh, its a little kid. And may i say a scary one. Its evil little beady eyes gleam up towards me.

"Umm, who are you and why do you look like a miniature replica of Finn or Mr. meanie as I like to call him." I ask the devil child standing in front of me. All of a sudden his eyes go from evil to excited.

"You call him Mr. meanie too?" He asks me, his eyes gleaming with surprise. I think I'm starting to like this kid.

"Yes! Do you?!" I say finding it hard to contain my excitement. "Well obviously, duh you just said you did. I feel crazy saying this but..... can we be best friends?"

Connie: crazy? More like mental.

Cassie: suuuushhh! You're ruining my moment with my new best friend.

"Of corse we can be best friends!" The little kid who i have yet to found out the name of said. "Whats your name?" He asks excitedly.

"Cassie, how about you?" I say.

"Wow i love your name, my name is Felix." He says.

"Wow, nice name. You're lucky you get a cool name, my full name is Cassette. I hate it, thats why everyone calls me Cassie. Do you have a nick name?" I ask quickly as if the world was going to explode if I didn't speak fast enough.

"No." he said with a slight pout on his face. "I don't have one because my brother doesn't want me to go to daycare, so that means I can't have any friends my age." He says quietly, a tear slipping down his cheek. Awww he deserves more than friends, this poor kid. You know what, I think I'll let him join my duck army. Obviously he not a duck, but he needs the loyal ducks to support him on his journey to..... well my plan to brutally murder whoever is stopping him from having friends.

"Who's your brother Felix?" I say anger flashing in my eyes. How could someone be so heartless and cruel tha-

"I am his brother, do you have a problem with that?"
Uh oh..... cliffhanger. Well not really.

Who do you think his brother is? I have no idea (lie)

Hope you had good day! I didn't really. Being the clutz I am I didn't bend my knee as I jumped into the long jump pit, so now it hurts. On the bright side, I might not have to do any running on athletics day so YAY!!!

Emily xoxo

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