Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: "Boys and Bathrooms."

Sunday went by so slowly. I did nothing at all, my mom didn't get home until almost 6 and she had brought me left over Chinese for dinner. I tried calling Carson and I left him multiple voicemails trying to apologize for making me leave, but I got nothing in return. I tried to hang out with Ari but he also did not answer any of my texts or my calls. It was not a good way to start the day off. I tried to get Taylnn to hang out with me, my best friend, but she was on vacation with her family, so that was pointless. So like the loser I seem to be, I read a book and watched movies. I maybe even cried for a while. I wish it was harder to make people upset because that seems to be the only thing I am good at.

I didn't say much to my mom because I did not want to hear about another date that was just okay or how she had a good time but give me no details. I needed sleep but I was dreading having to wake up and go to school. I would actually have to face people, people such as Ari and Carson. I wish I was better at knowing what to say at the right time because it seems I was blessed with the ability on how to not say anything at all when the situation gets bad. I am a person to run away from problems, like when I used to get mad at my mom, I would pack an over night bag and tell her calmly I was going to my dads and I would ride my bike to Ari's house. He always knew what to say, he could make me feel better with just a simple sentence. I wish I could be more like him. And Carson never seems to keep his cool, but unlike me he never kept anything inside for it to build up until he explodes. In that aspect I wish I was like Carson. Having these two guys in my life was both a blessing and a curse.

Finally when Monday morning came along, I got up I did my usually morning routine and I left to drive off to school. Before I could leave early, my mom caught me. She wanted to just... talk. That is weird for her. Either something was up or she was changing, I am assuming option one.

"What's up mom?" She lead me to the dining room table.

"Sit down Parker." Okay, seriously I hated my name. It wasn't even close to a girl's name, but my mom claims when a girl has boy's name it makes them more intimidating and seem more tough. Whatever.

"Okay?" My mom took in a deep breath and I couldn't make eye contact with her so I just sat down and started picking at the nail polish on my nails. I tried not to rush her, but I knew I was going to be late if she didn't hurry up and talk.

"I just wanted to know how your weekend went? Mine was terrible, I was stood up and it made me think about how you feel, I mean not relationship wise. Actually yes relationship wise, but I mean between you and me, our relationship. I never see you and although you may think you can't talk to me, but you can. I am always here for you. Trust me. I'm sorry about how I have been in the past. That's all, now get off to school before you are late." That was a surprise!

"Thanks mom, don't worry, I still love you!" I kissed her on the cheek and headed off to school. Hopefully the rest of my day continues to be as good as my morning. I highly doubted that, but I can always wish. As I drove closer to the school I began to feel a little sick, I was really nervous to face Carson considering the last time we talked was when I told him to get out. I wasn't that concerned with Ari because we have had disagreements before, but I've never been ignored like this by Carson.

I spotted Carson right away, by his car where we meet everyday before school and we walk in together. I didn't tell my feet to go there, but I found myself walking to his car. Carson was with a few of his friends, but I didn't mind. I walked up and he turned around and saw me. I was really nervous that he might say something stupid in front of his friends and embarrass me, but he just smiled. That was weird, wasn't he supposed to be mad at me. When couples fight don't they talk it out or do they just ignore what happened and push it aside? I mean I wasn't going to question it. If Carson was willing to forgive and forget so was I.

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