Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: "Kisses and More."

 " Wake up Parker, time to get ready for school."

My alarm was going off in the background and my mom was shaking me trying to wake me up. I looked over at my clock and it was only 7. I usually didn't get up until at least 7:15.

"Okay mom, I'll be up soon. Give me fifteen minutes." My mom walked out of my room. Since I was already awake I decided to just get out of bed and give me a little extra time to get to school. Maybe things would go over smoother with the two guys. And since Taylnn wasn't home until tomorrow and Bella was being well... Bella, I only had those two.

I wasn't really popular persay, but I was pretty well liked. Most of it was by the jocks and I have Carson to thank for that. And Ari didn't really have that many friends, only the baseball team and they weren't really that important. Oh well, I was happy with only a few friends anyway. Even though I fought with the majority of them all the time.

"Look who finally got up." I still couldn't believe my mom was up before me and already had breakfast made when I came down stairs. She made pancakes and cut them into the shape of a turtle. Just like she used to do when I was younger, and my dad was still around. Turtles were my favorite animals and she would make me pancakes every single morning.

"I can't believe you still remember the turtle pancakes." I giggled a little bit at the poorly shapped pancake, but it's the thought that counts.

"Honey. how could I forget. I made them almost everyday for three years for you. Then you said you grew out of them. Did it for memories sake." I almost didn't want them for memories sake, they reminded me too much of dad. I hated him and his little wife that is way too young for him. I never talk to him anymore, but that's the least of my worries. If he doesn't care about me, then I don't care about him.

"Thanks mom, it's super cute." I ate in silence until I heard my phone go off. It was a text from Carson.

"dont drive today picking u up at home. be ready in 10."

"Who was that from?"

"Oh just Carson, he's going to pick me up for school today. He will be here in about 10."

"I'm glad everything worked out between you two." My mom then got up and left the room and I heard her start the shower.

"Me too." I whispered to myself. Gosh, she really had changed. Maybe she should have got stood up sooner. That was so selfish of me to say. Oh well, I needed my mom back.

There was a knock on the door and I assumed it was Carson. I opened it and he greeted me with a hug. I ran over to the bathroom door to tell my mom I was leaving and we ran out to Carson's car. He ran over to the passenger door and held it open for me.

"What a gentleman."

"Oh you know I try." He looked down at his feet and I could've sworn that he was blushing. So cute! Before he closed the door he bent down and kissed me on the forehead. He then proceded to get in on his side.

"You look beautiful today Parker." I kinda blushed, I don't know if he has ever told me that I looked beautiful he always said cute or pretty, but beautiful was a different kind of compliment and I really liked it.

"Thanks. You look handsome today." Carson looked over at me and gave me a sarcastic smile and tilted his head. I threw my hands up and laughed.

"Hey! It's the truth." He turned the music up in his car. On the radio was "Say Something" by a Great Big World. I loved this song. Carson started singing it and I couldn't help but to laugh. He was so off key and tried so hard, it was so funny.

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