Chapter 2

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                                                                       Chapter 2

Daniel thought the weirdness was over when he got to school. Man was he wrong.  First period was math. He had good grades in the class since he was a Roman. He got straight A’s in that class. Next class was history. He was decent at it, but since he had dyslexia and ADHD, he only had D in it. Then he at lunch and went to other classes. His second last class was gym. The strange demigod was his class. She was a cheerleader, and was practicing cheers and talking gossip and other girly things. Hey, loser a guy yelled.  It was Austin Dee. He was a spoiled rich kid, and the most popular dude in school. And was the leader of the schools soccer team, and was basically the strongest guy in school. Well next to Daniel, but he didn't fight mortals. He even secretly fought Typhoon with the gods, and the two sides didn't know it. Hey, I’m talking to you. Austin was surrounded by an army of cronies. What? Daniel said. Don’t be eyeing my girl he said. Why do you care Daniel said. Two of his cronies pinned Daniel to the wall. I told you not to do something kid, so you are going to follow the orders, or we won’t talk the next time. He got punched in the face and gut, and then kneed in the bawls. Daniel fell. Austin and his cronies laughed while they walked away. Sorry about that, my boyfriend can be such an idiot sometimes. It was the demigod herself. Her name was Samantha Henderson. She was the most popular and prettiest girl in their school. But unlike Austin, she was smart and kind. She had straight A’s in all her classes and even rescued a cat from a fire. She had changed out of her cheerleader uniform, and now wore a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and new shoes. She bent down next to him showing her breast. Daniel felt uncomfortable like this. She had long, flowing blonde hair, sparkling deep blue eyes and cherry red lips, skinny-ish leg, and a perfect body. For a second, Daniel was paralyzed with something he hadn't felt for a long time .Fear. But it wasn't the scared type of fear from fighting monster, but a different type of fear. An anxious fear. He stared at her for a moment. They both stared each other dead in the eyes. Then Daniel got up and basically ran to his next class. His last class was computers. He despised computer. Demigods couldn't use computers because it attracted monsters. But he had to because he had to look as normal as possible. It had been a miracle that no monsters had found him. Hello everyone I am your substitute teacher, Mrs. Ronbiland. Daniel knew it was a monster. He could sense it. The so called “substitute” teacher took roll. This most have been one of the smarter ones. A Manticore or Gorgon or something. Samantha and Austin were in that class to. Daniel just ignored them.  After class when Daniel was about to leave, the teacher made Daniel, Austin, and Samantha to stay behind. Daniel held his sword. Daniel I need you to do something for me you three Mrs. Ronbiland said. What Daniel said ready for an attack. What Daniel said. I need you to die! She then turned half snake. She was a Kampe. Her hair was snakes and waist was a half end of a snake. Then Austin turned into a Laistryigonian giant. In his hand was Samantha. Out of pure instinct he slashed at the giant. Dust fell of it. The Kampe threw itself at Daniel. Daniel stabbed it straight where its heart was supposed to be. It turned to dust immediately. The giant was already out of the school parking lot. Or what was left of it anyway. Daniel then did something he rarely did. He shadow traveled. He shadow traveled right under the beast. He then climbed on the creature. When he got near to the heart he used a throwing knife and stabbed the beast. The giant tripped, fell over, and loosened his grip around Samantha. Daniel checked her pulsed. She was still alive. She was unconscious. Daniel lifted her up and was deciding where to go. The giant was starting to realize what had happened. Daniel decided the closest place he knew that was safe. His place. He ran as fast as he could to his house. After about twenty minutes of running from the giant he got to his block and ran straight toward his building. He was about two seconds from get into his house when the door was covered by the monster.  Not so fast son of Pluto it said. He set down Samantha. How did it know that? Daniel shook it off and did something he though was completely insane. He threw his sword at it. He thought he was dead, but the giant turned to dust. Daniel sighed in relief and grabbed Samantha before anything could, and ran inside.

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