Chapter 1: It's You

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"Dad!! Look out!" I yelled. He turned and chopped the head off the fang.

"I had it under control." He said cleaning his blade.

"Yeah, sure you did."

"Hey, shut your cakehole and get in the car."

"Can you guys stop bickering?" Sam asked annoyed.

"Shut up, Sam." Dad and I jinxed. Sam laughed.

"You really are Dean's daughter, aren't you?"

"Not biologically. But my biological father didn't and doesn't give a shit about me. My mom didn't either. So yes I am." Dad smirked at my remark. I had been with them for fourteen years and had picked up their habits. "I'm gonna go get my baby and leave town. This place gives me the creeps."

"Why don't you follow us? We picked up another hunt in New York." Dad tempted me with a hunt.

"What is it?"

"Don't know yet. But something been happening above the Empire State Building. It's not normal."

"Our kind of thing?"

"Maybe. There's also been some strange 'animal attacks'." He used air quotations. I smirked.

"Wow, you come back and I'm invisible?" Sam asked me. I laughed and opened the back door to the beautiful black 1967 Chevy Impala.

"Take me to my baby." I said referring to my car. He laughed. "Not my bike. That one's in Kansas still." He chuckled as we got in and shut our doors in sinc. Sam was a little late to get in though. And to shut his door.

"You guys are jerks." Sam told us.

"Bitch." Dad and I jinxed again. We pulled into the motel parking lot and got everything out of our rooms and packed in the cars.

"Lead the way, Dad. Let's stop at a gas station first though. I need a beer and some food." I said.

"Why don't you just eat my leftover salad?" Sam asked.

"I can't live off rabbit food, Sam. I'm a warrior." I said. I opened my door and put my arms on the roof of baby. "I'll see you guys at the gas station. I gotta make a quick call, but you guys go ahead." They looked skeptical but got in Dad's baby and closed the doors before starting the impala. I sat in my baby, leaving the door open. "Hey, Em. Give me a call when you get this. Something bad is going on in New York. Might be your kind of thing. Please call me back. I don't want my dad or uncle to get hurt." I hung up. She'd better call me back. I put my phone in my back pocket and started baby. I closed the door and put it in reverse before driving out of the parking lot. I sped up to around 120 mph to catch up to Dad. Soon enough I saw his baby in a gas station parking lot and took a sharp turn and jerked to a stop. I stepped out of my car and I was perfectly centered on a space. I smirked and went inside. There were dead bodies on the floor. A knife. "Demons." I murmured.

"Liz! I am so glad you had to make a call. You could've been killed by these things." Dad ran to me and pulled me into a hug. Even though he was a chill dad most of the time, he was extremely over protective.

"Dad. I can take care of myself. And it looks like you can to." I chuckled.

"I know. But they took us by surprise." I smiled.

"We get free stuff though!" I said excitedly before running around the store. I grabbed as much beer as I could carry. "Sam! Open the back seat of baby!" He opened Dad's back door. "No, my baby!" He and Dad chuckled. I set the beer in the seat. "Now, food!" I said loudly. I ran inside and grabbed a few bags. I stuffed beef jerky, chips, and various candy bars inside the bag. I filled them all to the top and grabbed another six pack of beer. I set my goodies down in the backseat before shutting the door and looked at Sam and Dad. They were watching me the entire time. "What?"

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