4: What A Nice Birthday Gift, Sammy

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I jolted upright in my bed. Wait, bed?! I was just in the forest talking to Poseidon. Right? Why would Poseidon care about me? Was that even real? I checked my pockets for my phone. I didn't have pockets. I was in my normal sleepwear, booty shorts and a tank top. I looked around frantically for my phone. It was sitting on my nightstand. I sighed in relief. I laid back down and went back to sleep without checking the time.

=====time skip=====

"RISE AND SHINE LIZ!" I jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. I screamed.

"What the hell, Dad?!" He laughed loudly at my sprawled out, tangled up body in the floor.

"It's 2:00 in the afternoon! Why aren't you awake?"

"Because I enjoy my sleep! I didn't have nightmares last night! It was dreamless!" He shrugged.

"Guess what tomorrow is!"

"What's today?"

"Tomorrow's your birthday!"

"You know I don't celebrate my birthday, Dad."

"Why not?"

"I don't like the attention."

"You LOVE attention."

"Not that kind."

"Well, we're celebrating anyways." I groaned.

"Fine. Let me get ready." I pushed myself off the floor. He left the room. I pulled my hair into a messy bun. I fell forward to the floor and started doing push ups. I did 100 when I got up and 100 when I went to sleep. I finished in less than 3 minutes. I moved on to sit ups. I did 500 sit ups twice a day. I did my squats as well. I did 500 of those twice a day too. I glanced at the pull up bar that I had installed in my apartment at Granny's. (Imagine her apartment like a mirror of Mary Margret's.) I jumped from the stairs and onto the bar. I did a graceful flip and pulled my legs up on top of the bar. I hung upside down, sat up, and started twisting myself around on both sides before letting myself go back upside down. I did 100 of these twice a day. I did a flip and left my arms on the bar. I did 200 pull ups twice a day. I jumped off the bar. I landed on my feet and walked over to the treadmill that I had Ruby move in. I pushed the buttons until it was on the hardest level. I ran as long as I could and slowed the pace down gradually. I checked my Apple watch. 2:30 on the dot. Perfect. I heard a slow clap from behind me coming from more than one person I turned around. "You know, you could have knocked, or just alerted me of your presence."

"I know. We were just enjoying the show." Emma said. There were a few people were standing near my door, but only Emma, Killian, and David were in my apartment.

"Where's Gina?"

"You're not even breaking a sweat! How do you do that?" David asked.

"Magic." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Then you've gotta show me!" Emma said. I let out a belly laugh.

"I was being sarcastic, Em."

"Yeah, psht. I knew that." Everyone laughed.

"Now, if you guys don't mind, I need to get dressed." Some of the guys outside my apartment were checking me out. I winked at a few of them. As everyone left, one guy stayed back."Can I help you?"

"Can I have your number?" He asked. He had black hair and looked like a middle aged man.

"Can I have your name?"

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