2: Hellhounds?

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Thanks for the amazing idea OMGBLUEFOODZ !


"So, werewolf?" I asked Sam.

"Doesn't fit with the moon cycle." He responded.

"Did their lives turn extremely awesome ten years ago?"


"What the hell are we dealing with?" I sighed. Dad came into the room down motel room with food. "It's about damn time!"

"Shut up." He said. I acted like I was offended. He smirked at me. I quickly ate my food. They looked at me strangely at how fast I ate.

"Lemme run to my room real quick. I need beer." I said before hopping out of my chair and heading to my room. I heard Dad and Sam laughing.

"Get two extra!" Dad yelled. I laughed at him. I shut his door and went into mine. I immediately pulled out my phone.

"Hey Em!"

"Hey, El. What's up?"

"Is your friend loose and out of control in New York?"

"Which friend?"

"The hairy one."

"Oh, her. No she's here. Why?"

"I don't know what this thing is. I'll have to call you later. Bye."


"Who was that?" Dad said leaning against the doorway.

"A friend. Thought she might know something about the case." I told the truth. Just not all of it.

"Did she?"

"No." I looked down. I walked to the fridge and threw a beer at him. "Think fast."

"Thanks for the heads up." He said sarcastically.

"No problem." I smirked at him before grabbing two more. "Let's go back to you guys' room."

"Okay. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You haven't been sleeping much lately and when you do, you have nightmares."

"I'm fine, Dad. Worrying doesn't help anyone." He opened his and Sam's door as I locked mine. We got joined rooms, but there were salt lines in case a demon got in one's room. "Hey Sammy. Any news in the past minute and a half?"

"Haha and no." He responded.

"Darn. I thought you would've with your giant brain protected by your beautiful long hair." Dad laughed. Sam glared at us. "Watchya gonna do, Sammy?" I loved taunting the guy.

"I don't know." He stood up. I hid behind Dad in a fit of giggles. "Dean, would you mind putting my beer on the other side of the room?"

"Sure." Dad said before moving out from in front of me.

"Fuck you! Traitor!" He just laughed at me. Sam lunged at me and threw me over his shoulder. "Sam Winchester! Put me down right now!"

SPN and Greek Mythology Crossover (Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now