Chapter 5 (chapter completed!!)

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Chapter 5


"Deadstar?" Birddead, my newly made deputy calls. "Reeddead found a good place for camp." I yawn and stretch, just waking up to dawn. Dawn equals cat-sized body. Cat-sized body equals weaker.

"Why did he find it when we are in our weaker form?" I flex my claws to whisk away sleepiness.

"Don't ask me, Reeddead found it."

"Tell him we won't use it," I mew, Reeddead's untrustable.

"Yes, Deadstar," Birddead dipped his head to hide a look of confusion. He padded away quickly.

What does Reeddead want NOW? Oh wait, he's Brackendead now. That's why. I stretch again and pad toward the place Brackendead had brought DeadClan to at first. I thought this would be a great place for camp.

Brackendead walked over, his tail swishing angrily. "Why can't we go to this perfect camp I found?"

"Because this one's perfect enough, can't you tell?" I swept my tail around, motioning to the clearing. I narrow my eyes at Brackendead. "And we wouldn't want to travel when we're in our weak form, would we?"

Brackendead shook his head. I look around the clearing. It was nice and big, enough to hold two Clans. It WOULD be perfect for DeadClan. A purr begins to rumble in my throat. Brackendead glares at me and dashes off.

"I'm marking the border," he said over his shoulder. I snarl but don't stop him. I don't care what he does as long as he doesn't eat anyone. Which reminds me.

I follow after Brackendead/Reeddead quietly in the shadows. Then Birddead came into veiw. Brackendead better not lay a paw on that deputy. I pull my lips back.

"Birddead, are you sure you don't want to join my new Clan?" Brackendead asked.

"I'm sure, mouse-brain," Birddead replied with a swish of his tail.

I get ready to pounce on Brackendead, but he just snarls and stalks away from Birddead. Into my direction. I leap out of the bushes and pin Brackendead to the ground.

"Brackendead," I spit. I see panic flash in his eyes, but it was quickly replicated by anger.

"How do you know?"

"What's going on? He's not Brackendead, that's Reeddead!"

I ignore my deputy. "I heard you and Reeddead exchange a few words before you were killed again."

The panic stayed in Brackendead's eyes longer this time. "So, I just want my revenge on the twoleg or person who turned us into eagle-cats!"

"Oh really, what was that meeting with my deputy about just now? And it seems you enjoy this form, the eagle-cat form, better than the one we were born with." I shred Brackendead's nose and blood spatters all over his fur.

Brackendead swallows down a whimper and shows his teeth. "I am just trying to make the best of this new life, that's all!"

"I don't believe you!" I shred his sides and stomach. He gasps and a little blood bubbles at his mouth.

"Okay, so I do like this new form, what's so bad about that?"

Birddead rammed into my side before I could reply. "Leave Reeddead alone!" he yowled.

"He's not Reeddead," I snarl as Brackendead gets up on wobbly legs. "He's Brackendead. And he plans more than a new Clan." I leap at Brackendead again, but Birddead slams into me head-first.

"Then why does he look like Reeddead?"

"Stop questioning your leader!" I snarl, bringing my claws over Birddead's eyes. Birddead yowls and blindly stumbles away. "Now let's settle this the right way."

Brackendead tried to snarl, but grimaced in pain. Blood was in his left eye, blinding him; his sides and stomach are shredded, and his nose is torn open. "I can defeat you any day!" The venom in his voice was lost.

"Oh really?"

Then Mothstar approached us. "I've followed all the way here, and here you two are fighting, apprentice and warrior. And it seems the warrior is losing. Why is that?"

"Mothstar, you don't understand-"

I didn't get to finish. Brackendead's teeth made contact with my paw. I yowled and bit his neck hard. Brackendead released my paw and fell limp. Then faded from sight.

"Wait, Reedfur was a spirit? He was already dead?" Mothstar circled me. I pushed down the urge to attack and eat her.

"Yes, h-he was killed by," I shiver. How could I have liked him before? He probably wasn't a killer before he drank from the lake that night, my thoughts replied. "Reedde-Reedfur was killed by Brackendead."

"Brackendead?" Mothstar stopped circling me and narrowed her eyes.

"Err, Brackenfur," I choke. Mothstar takes a threatening step towards me.

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