↳ Spiders

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I sat beside Cameron as he flicked through the TV finding something to watch.
"There's nothing interesting to watch!" I moaned, "remember when Saturday night TV was good?"
"Yeah," Cameron laughed.
Cameron laughed and switched the channel back. Replacing the cute animal there was a large spider. Just as I screamed, Cameron changed the channel quickly as he knew about my fear.
"Oh my god, that was so big!" I said, nearly in tears from looking at it for 2 seconds.
"It's okay babe, it was only a show," he said hugging me.
"Can you get them in this country?" I asked.
"No," he said kissing my head, "only in some foreign country like Brazil or something."
"We aren't going there then!" I giggled.
Cameron laughed, "why don't you go for a shower and I'll find a good movie for us to watch, without spiders, and I'll get your favourite snacks!"
"Yeah, that'll be good!" I smiled, kissing his cheek as I got up.

I entered the bathroom, tying my hair up in a high bun before stepping in the shower. As I turned on the shower, I multitasked by putting on music on my phone. I got in the shower and stood under the water until I felt something crawling over my foot.
"OH MY GOD!" I screamed.
It was a large spider, not on the scale of the one the TV but one of the biggest house spiders in this country.
I jumped out the shower crying. As I ran out of bathroom, Cameron was running in my direction.
"What is it babe?" He asked concerned.
"Th-there's a spider in the sh-shower," I cried.
"I'll go and get it babe, you stay out here while I get it away," he said kissing my head.
I nodded, "will you pass me a towel out before? I'm a bit cold standing here." I giggled as I stood there naked.
Cameron smiled and nodded, throwing a towel out of the bathroom.

A minute later, he came out of the bathroom.
"Is it gone?" I asked, still crying.
"Yeah, it is!" He said embracing me in a hug.
"Will you check if there is any others in the apartment while I'm showering?" I asked as I cried into his chest.
"Of course I will sweetheart," he replied, "I'll protect you from spiders...or anything or anyone."
I giggled and reached up to kiss him.

Imagines & Preferences || Cameron Monaghan and Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now