Mr.steal yo girl.! (he tried lol.)

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Your pov:

I tale out all the decorations i have hidden in my kitchen set them up as well as the cake i ordered pizza and got some Doritos  and soda,
That didnt take as long as i thought it would. I called mark.

"Hello?" Mark says.

"Hey mark im done you can bring clair back now."

"Wow you work fast."

"I know right?"

"Right well see you shortly."

"K bai."

I wait for them to get here.

Soon i here a knock on the door.

I open it to see bob,wade,mark,jack, matt and ryan!

But jack!!! Omfg hes at my apartment!!!


"Jacky!!" He engulfed me in a big bear hug and span me around.

I hug wade,bob,ryan and matt but they just gave me a normal hug.

They all came inside,

"Hey pickachu ryan and i brought over some more ps4 games if you dont mind?" Matt says.

"Not a problem."

They put in gta 5 which ive played on pc but not on ps4.we all took turns i just watched everyone play.

"Hey (y/n) your turn to play." Jack says.

"I dont know how to play on ps4."

"Ill show you! Just come sit here."

I blush a bit, "ok." I sat down and jack gave me the control and guided my hands teaching me how to play.

I noticed clair nodding off to sleep.
"Alright guys lets give clair her gifts and let her cut her cake so she can go to bed." I say.

"Caaaake!!" Jack says.

I giggle.

I lit the candles on the cake and then we all sang happy birthday off cord.

It was funny after that we let clair open her gifts.
Mark gave her a Markiplier tshirt with his signature on it.

"Omg ive always wanted one of these thanks mark!!" Clair squeals.

"No problem." Mark says smiling.

Jack gave her a septiceye she wasnt truly ecstatic about it but she was excited,

"Thanks jack!"

"Your welcome i also got something for your sissy." Jack says.

"What?!" I say.

"Yea i know its not your birthday but Christmas is right around the corner and i wanted to get you something since i wont be here for Christmas." He handed me a a charm bracelet with a little septiceye on it ass well a a charm that said boss on it.

I huug him "thanks jack!!"

Clair cut the cake we took a photo and clair went to bed

Clairs pov:

I think (y/n) may like jack and jack may like back.

But she might like go out wth him.

I think...

I dont know!!

But (y/n) please dont ruin my (y/n)plier ship!!

Your pov:

we continued to eat cake and pizza when i started getting chilly.

"Hey (y/n) you ok?" Jack asked.

"Im cold im gonna go turn down the ac." I say

"Im actually hot since i had this hoody on just wear ny hoody for now." Jack takes off his hoody and gives it to me.

"You sure?"


I put it on

I felt mark staring intensely at jack and i he didnt look so happy either.

And i on the other hand was burning so bad i thought i was sweating.
"Um excuse me everyone im gonna go outside for a sec. I say going out on the balcony.

Mark's pov:

That irish bastard! He knew i liked her and hes just flirting it up with her!
I stand no chance against a guy with an accent.

Jacks pov:
(I feel so sorry for writing this..)
Thats right i swooped in and wooed (y/n)!
I know mark likes her but i do to.

Sorry mark i need a (y/n)septiceye.
As much as you need.
A (y/n)plier.

I go out on the balcony with her.

"Its nice out here." I say.

Your pov:

"Its nice out here." I hear someone say.

I turned around it was jack.

"Uh yea."

Jack puts his hand around my shoulder.

I cant believe i am now closest friends with my favorite YouTuber!
Maybe my crush as well maybe just a little itty bitty crush.

"(Y/n) i know weve only known each other for about a week but will you...go out with me?"

"Uuuuh jack im not sure how i feel about you." I say.

"Maybe thisll hely you make up your mind."


Jack forced me into a kiss.
Part of me wanted this but part of me was like.


I pulled away and mildly slapped him and rushed inside.

"Leave," i say to jack.

"Im soo sor-" jack began.

"Get out!!" I yelled,

Everyone stared at us.

"Im gonna take jack to his hotel." Ryan says.

"Yea its getting late anyways we should go." Bob says.

"Aww." Wade says.

They all get up and pack there stuff.

"(Y/n) you ok?" Mark asked,

"Im just tired."  I lied.

"Ok, good night"

"Good night"

I clothes the door and get ready for bed.
After i was done i got into bed and hopped on twitter to see that clair had posted the picture with all of us in with the cation.

The best bday ever!!!

I smile and scan the picture and see mark and jacks face and just get discouraged again.
I love them both.

Kissed them both.

Liked both kisses,

I liked more one than the other but im still indecisive,

Who do i love?

The guys ive watched for two years?


the guy ive known for over a month?

LA Miracles. (Markiplier X Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now