Chapter 1: Car Troubles.

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Your pov:

Backstory: You are 24 yrs old. You just moved to LA a month ago. You have and adopted sister whos 15 yrs old and practically addicted to YouTube. As well as a half brother who is a minecraft YouTube. He goes by JEROMEASF.You on the other hand not so much you watch YouTube but not as much as your sister.
You have also had a youtube channel when you were 19 but gave it up because old high school students would bully you and make fun of you so you quit.

Your pov:


Goes my annoying alarm clock.

"I hear you! I hear you!!" I say to my annoying alarm clock.1

I move my hand around until i pound my alarm. I get up and open my eyes at first my vision is blurry but becomes more clear as i become more awake. After waking up completely i take a shower. I am in no honest mood to get up today but i have a job interview and money doesnt grow on trees. After getting out of the shower and getting dressed and all that jazz. I looked at my phone and realized a had a good hour before i had to leave so i decided to sit on the couch and watch some anime.
Unfortunately i lost track of time and was 45 minutes late for my interview.

"Holy freaking balls im late!!"

I jump off my couch and grab my keys. I run downstairs and get into my car and hurry down the road but in no time ended up in traffic. Right when traffic was flowing along my car begins to slow down.

"No no no no no please no!!!" I say pressing on the gas more.

But to no avail the car came to a complete stop.

"Son of a bitch!!" I sigh and pop the hood i go outside and look at the damage done. But i couldnt tell because im not a freaking mechanic!! "Come on!!"

"Need a hand miss?" Asked a mysterious masculine voice.

"Yes, my car broke down and i have no idea how to fix a car!" I joke.

I look up to see a man with red hair with black slowly taking over his head. He had glasses with a black frame. Behind his glasses were dark brown eyes. On his his face resided some scruff. He was wearing skinny jeans, a blue bird colored shirt and white vans.

"I have no idea how to fix a car either but i can however offer you a lift to where ever you are heading to."

"If it wouldnt be any trouble."

"It would be of no trouble at all." He say smiling. "Um just let me get my keys from my house and we can go."

"Ok thank you so much!"

"No problem." He runs into the house i stopped in front of.

I call a tow man so he can tow this old piece of crap car away.

The mysterious helpful man came out of his house with keys in hand he unlocked the car door and opened the passenger side.

"Have you changed your mind on my offer?"

"Oh no i havent, are you gonna drive?"

"Yea of course but i have to open the door for the nice lady."

"Oh thank you so much!" I walk over and get inside the car.

"Are you comfortable and safe?" He asked.

"Mhm!" I hum.

He closes the door and gets inside the car himself.

'Quite the gentle man!! Thank god chivalry isnt dead yet gentlemen still exist!'

"Im sorry i havent gotten your name." I say.

"Oh it Mark, Mark Fischbach and you?"

"(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n)." I say shaking his hand.

"Beautiful name."

"Thanks." I say blushing.

"So uh where were ya headed (y/n) ?"

"Oh to the coffee shop."

"No problemo!" He starts the car and we begin to drive. The radio wasnt on i guess he preferred no music which was fine with me. I had a headache from all this stressing i lay my head back and juat enjoy the silence.

"Soo (y/n), i see you are not from around here what brings you to LA?"

"I dont know i just lived in a small town i got tired of it and decided to move."

"Where ya comin from?"

"Im originally from Cinncinati, Ohio."

"Me too. Im surprised i never seen you!!"

"We are probably from different counties."

"Probably so, so how old are you?"

"24 you?"


"Good to know so what brought you to LA?"

"Oh um well just had to move here to be near friends and opportunity."

"How long you been here?"

"A few years i dont bother keeping track."

"Ive been here a month, thank you again so much for helping me."

"No problem i was told growing up you see someone struggling you help them out."

"I wish everyone was raised that way."

"I believe most parents do raise their kids that way but its up to the kid to take in the information or reject it."

"Deep stuff man."

He chuckled.

He sounded so familiar to me.

'Where have i heard that voice from?'

We continue to talk for a while making me completely forget i was about 2 hours late for my interview. When we pulled up in front of the coffee shop making me go back into a state of panic.
I quickly get out of the car.

"Thank you so much please wait here it wont take long i promise!!"

"Ok." He says smiling.

I rush into the building and bump into the manager. "Oh my gosh im sooo sorry i lost track of time and then my car broke down-"

"Save it you are late and someone else got the job sorry first come first serve thats how it is in the world kid you better get used to it." He said leaving me there.

I sigh and leave the coffee shop and get into the car with Mark.

"Wow that was quick howd it go?"

"It was too late for me i didnt get the job." I say with a bit of sadness in my voice.

"Oh im sorry."

"Its fine i wouldnt want to be a barista anyway i can stand the smell of coffee but for so long." I joke.

He smiles back and started the car. "So what brought you to LA beside a small town escape?"

"Oh nothing im just star stalking." I say in a nonchalant tone.

Mark just look at me.

"Im joking im joking im not into celebrities like that."

He laughs lightly. "So what are you doing later?"


"Would you like to come by my house so we can chill like a smallish welcome party."

"Sure why not!"

A/n: yes! Finally i can release the book you dont know how long its been sitting in my drafts!! Anyways thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy!!

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