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"Knock knock princess" Chat said as he came into her room."Hey kitty" she said as she tried to paint her nails.
"Having trouble princess"
"Sorta" she said as setting the polish down, "done." she looked at the messy nails and sighed in defeat.
Chat laughed, "do you want me to do your nails."
"Alright, princess, come here."
She walked over with the nail polish and handed it to him. The bluenette sat in front of him, sticking her left foot out, and grabbed one of the Adrien magazines.
"Princess why do you like him that much."
"I don't know I guess because he gave me his umbrella to try to be my friend... And his dad is my idol," she replied.
"Really princess... You want to be a fashion designer," Chat asked.
"Kinda," she flipped a page. She gasped when she saw they were hiring for a model. "Look Chat the hiring for a new model to work with Adrien."
He nodded as he stroked the cold nail polish brushed across her toes.
"Do you think I could be a model Chat." He froze, acting like her had to think. The truth is he would love for her to work with him.
"Yeah princess, you would go along with Adrien great," he continued to paint her nails.
Her smile soon fell, "but Chloe's going to get the spot."
"You know it's whoever Adrien is comfortable with... So there is a slight possibility that he chooses you.. Done other foot," Chat tensed at her sadness.
She switched feet, thinking for a while, "but Adrien rarely talks to me."
"Do you talk to him?" Chat asked.
"I'm to nervous to... I always choke up or like on his birthday Chlóe pushes me out the way," She huff throwing the magazine down.
Chat sat the nail polish aside, "you're day will come someday princess," he petted my head. His ring beeped and he waved himself off. He jumped roof to roof. Tiki came out of her hiding spot.
"You know Mari, he's right someday Adrien will notice you, and I think it'll be very soon," tiki flew to her bed and dozed off.
She laughed, falling onto her chaise, soon falling asleep to.


While Marinette and Adrien were sleeping, Tiki and Plagg were flying to the masters place.
Master Fu paced, waiting for the two major kwami's. Suddenly, there was a red and black flash coming in through a window.
"Sorry, master. Mari was up for a while with Chat," Tiki looked over to Plagg.
"Adrien is controlling his whole body, not me," he said in defense.
Master Fu sighed, "it is alright, but I do have something very, very important to tell you."
"What is it Master," Wayzz asked as Master Fu began dialing the dialing the Miraculous box.

"There will be more of you.... Bee, Niki, and Penn will be coming out," Master Fu sighed summoning the three other kwami's. "Niki will be with Alya Cesaire, Penn will be with Belle James, Bee will be with Amelia Shay, and Wayzz will be with my grandson Nino."
"Master.... I'm going with Nino," Wayzz yelled.
"Wait Nino," Plagg was deep in thought along Tiki.
"Wayzz, you knew this was going to happen... I have to let the other miraculous's out and I am getting too old to be Jade Turtle.... Anyway's the night you all meet come here and we will do training. Something horrible is about to happen." Master Fu sighed, "Now Tiki, Plagg get back to your holders and remember to tell them." The powerful kwami's nodded.

In a flash they were gone.

Adrien woke up the next morning having one goal, asking Marinette to be the model. She'll get to work with her idol, his father. He sighed walking into his bathroom to get ready. He jumped into the shower scrubbing his head. He thought how Marinette likes him, Adrien, and told Chat. He really likes Ladybug, and Marinette is really sweet. She reminds him a lot of her. Seeing how he's getting too excited downtown, he get out of the shower walking to grab a towel. Natalie knocks on his door. "Adrien... It's time to go," she said. He threw on his clothes, grabbing cheese attracting Plagg. He walked out of his room and down the steps.

He stepped out of the car to see Marinette and Alya talking to Nino. He smiled seeing Marinette rocking a pastel green shirt, and a black skirt, with black sandals with her nails he painted last night. ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=208555419 )

He walked over to them, waving to them. Marinette yelled in either excitement or embarrassment, Alya comforting her.
"So man, have you chosen who to be your model partner?" Nino asked.
"No, I'm waiting for one of my close friends to apply, but I have to choose by Friday," he sighed, hoping Marinette got the message.
The bell rang, signaling all of the students inside. Adrien and Marinette walked beside each other, letting Nino and Alya have some one on one time. He looked at Marinette, "Hey, like I said outside, I want to work with some of my friends... so why don't you apply."
She jumped at my voice, "you want me to be your partner," she coughed.
"Yeah," he smiled. Her face blew into a raging blush. He acted like he didn't notice, but it was really cute.
"Okay," she smiled back at me. He chuckled at her grin, and continued to walk to class with her.

After they got seated, and the teacher came in and wrote her name on the chalkboard. "Hello class, your homeroom teacher this year, like the last 5 years. This year we will be accepting, Chloe, two new students, Breanna James and Amelia Shay," Mrs. Buister motioned the two girls in. "If you will sit behind Marientte and Alya," she pointed to them.

Breanna looked a lot like Ayla minus she had blonde hair. Nino was starstruck when he saw her. Amelia was gorgeous, she had long golden hair a perfect shade of blue eyes. Adrien didn't seem to notice that she was blushing when she walked pass him. All he did was smile, then turned to Marinette asking if he could go to her bakery for lunch.

As class continued the teacher explained the first project of the year. "This project will be similar to design and make a piece of clothing by the end of the week, like we have done in the past. But due to the higher grade you are you will be designing an entire outfit with two other partners. I will be choosing your partners, and you can't change, Chloe." The class snickered. "Anyway's partners, Breanna, Ayla, and Nino group 1. Chloe, Kim, and Alix group 2. Adrien, Marinette, and Amelia group 3. Rose, Juleka, and Max group 4, Sabrina, Nathanial, and Ali group 5. Finally Lila, you're with Ivan, and Mylene." Mrs, Buister sighed as the bell rang.  

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