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"Marinette are you okay," Tiki asked comforting the hurt girl.
"I will be Tiki," Marinette smiled weakly, "I'm the person who people replace after a while."

"Dude, she smiling," Nino put a hand on Adrien's shoulder.
"Yeah, but look into her eyes. She's breaking inside," Adrien opened his locker, sighing, "and I did that to her." Marinette was talking to Alya and Breanna. He felt little arms press against his side.
"Sorry Bro," Nino said for both him and Wayzz. Wayzz was sitting on Nino's head about to cry but keeping it together. The bell rung, the crowd of student went to their classes.

"Mari... will you be okay sitting there," Breanna asked.
"Yeah," Marinette stared at Adrien.
"Okay," Breanna sat down in her seat.
"It'll be okay," Alya patted Marinette's back.
"I hope," she sighed leaning back into her seat.

Adrien sat down on the stair case after fencing practice. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry princess,"
Marinette just so happen to be walking by.
"Adrien, why don't you just see her as Chat," Plagg flew out of his jacket.
"That's right she doesn't hate Chat," Adrien jumped up.
'So he is Chat' Marinette thought. She hurried home, to give her mom the groceries she was supposed to give her.

"Knock, knock princess," Chat came into her window. "Princess?... How did it go with Adrien?"
"Don't you know," Marinette snapped."What?" Chat stumbled back."You were there, Adrien," Marinette walked to him, "I know you know I'm Ladybug, and you were hoping that I would be thrilled for you to like me... But guess what... I'm not Ladybug. Ladybug is how I get away. I'm Marinette and no longer Ladybug... I'm giving my earrings back to Master Fu."
"Marinette, you can't," Chat yelled.
"And why not," she grabbed the box with her earrings in it. "Please go Adrien," she started to go down her staircase.

"I can't take these," Master Fu smiled at the girl.
"What?" Marinette asked.
"Tiki is very sensitive and she cares deeply about you... she won't come out with anyone else," he started to unlock his secret department, "come here. I was Jade Turtle before this new one, your generation. I have seen a lot of things. I watched as Peon disappeared. I was there when Chat confessed to Ladybug... I was there when they had kids. I was there when they died. From my generation, me and Hawkmoth are left.... Hawkmoth wants his Peon back... Peon had her son and was here for five years. I think you know who I'm talking about?"
"Adrien.." Marinette spat out in disbelief.
 "You have to forgive the boy, he's hopeless. He has tried so hard to find out who Ladybug is. In the meantime he fell in love with you.... Why do you think he goes to you by Chat. Chat give their holder confidence. He loves being Chat because Chat is a guy in black leather suit. Chat doesn't have to be perfect because not everyone gets one on one time wit him like you do, my child."
"So what you're saying is,"
"You are Ladybug.. Even if you don't want to be... Tiki will always remember you. Ladybug is Marinette and Marinette is Ladybug. Think of the friendships you made with that suit, or Adriens. Love the man who said he loves you," Master Fu smiled at her.
"But he said he loved Ladybug, was he embarrassed to say it was me," Marinette stepped forward.
"He has been determined to find out who Ladybug is. Who knows if he was trying to confirm you were her, the girl he fell in love with at first sight, and the girl he fell for being his friend.""So he wasn't embarrassed," Marinette stumbled back, falling on the ground."No he wasn't," he smiled at the girl more, "now I expect you to be at the meeting tomorrow."
 "Yes sir," Marinette rushed to her feet. "Bye Master Fu."  

Authors Note

Hey guys sorry for the short Chapter, but next chapter will be longer, hopefully. 

As Always, Stay Cool.


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