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"I feel so embarrassed," Marinette covered her face, "he didn't look like he liked me." Alya and Breanna rubbed her back soothingly.
"Marinette trust me he likes you," Adrien smiled at her as they walked out the school. Nino nodded along side him.
"I don't see what the big fuss is about... who is Gabriel Agreste anyway... beside your dad of course,"
"Only one of the biggest fashion designers in the world!!!" Marinette flopped onto a bench.
Adrien's phone binged. He checked his phone.
"Marinette.. We got to go," Adrien looked at the worried girl.
"Where are we going?"Marinette asked the boy. Alya and Nino were smirking.
"My house," Adrien sighed, "My father wants to talk to you." As soon as he was finished talking, Alya pushed Marinette in Adriens arms.
"Be good to my girl," Ayla yelled as her, Breanna and Nino walked away.
Adrien helped Marinette up, "This brings back memories," He smiled at her.
Marinette smiled back, feeling her heart flutter, "Yeah," she sighed.
"Well we better go," Adrien laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"Okay," Marinette blinked, still a little shaken up.

The secret duo walked into the giant house. 

"Marinette calm down... I'm positive he likes you," Adrien tried to calm her down. Marinette was too busy hyperventilating to notice Mr. Agreste standing at the top of the stair case.
"Adrien, Miss. Cheng," Gabriel sighed walking down the stairs. Adrien stood up straight looking ahead. Marinette, on the other hand, was freaking out. Adrien gulped and grabbed her hand.
Marinette froze and stood still.
"Miss. Cheng.... My son has told me many things about you," Gabriel stood in front of her. Marinette gulped as Gabriel stared down at her. "Flawless," he stated.
Adrien sighed in relief as Marinette release her hand form his.
"That's what you are," Gabriel sighed at the trembling girl, "I also hear you design," he sorta asked.
"Yes sir," Marinette tried her best not to stutter.
"Did you design this," he pointed his long finger at her outfit.
Marinette was wearing a red hoodie with black dots, and leggings.She had black combat boots on and had a golden flower crown on and her hair down, wavy. "Yes sir," she trembled, "It's Ladybug inspired... I wore a Chat Noir inspired yesterday..."
"Very Good... Not only are you the new model... You are now head designer... You will help me with the new designs. You will be on the new cover with Adrien. That is all you may leave," He walked back up the stairs.

"Congrats Mari.. He likes you," Adrien smiled at her.

"Sorry Kitty... I won't be able to make it to tonights patrol... Can you take mine please," Ladybug said over her yoyo.
"Of course M'lady," Chat smiled at her, "I'm going to stop by Marinette's then."
"Okay," Ladybug laughed, "LB out," she signed off.

'Knock Knock' came from the window. "Hey Kitty," Marinette opened the window for him.
"Hey princess," he walked in.
"So... Guess who's the new face of Agreste Models, and Head Designer?" she pointed to herself, "this gal."
"Congrats... Are you excited," he asked.
"Well Duh," she laughed at him.
 "If the princess is happy, her prince is too," Chat bowed.
"I might even confess tomorrow," Marinette sighed, dreamingly. Chats eyes popped out of his head.
"What," Chat shouted.
"Shhh," she put her hands in front of his face. "I said I might confess to Adrien tomorrow."
"Are you sure," Chat asked a stupid question.
"I've had this crush for almost 5 years now," Mari huffed at him, "do you not think I should do it?"

"I'm not saying that," Chat looked at her, "if you want to you can." 'Beep Beep' "I got to go.... Bye princess."
"Bye Kitty."  

Marinette waited outside after school, for Adrien. When he got done with his fencing club he walked out of the building.
Marinette yelped feeling his hand on her shoulder.
"What are you still doing here," he smiled at her.
"I wanted to tell you something," She stood looking into his eyes.
"Yes," he gulped, already knowing what it is.
"Adrien... I... I love you... I have for almost 5 years now," she looked to the side tugging on her arm.
Adrien looked directly at Marinette. He hoped that his theory was right, "I like... Ladybug," Marinette's face dropped, "yes of course.... Who wouldn't love the wonderful, heroine," even though Marinette is this said heroine, she wants Adrien to love Marinette.
"Marinette.." Adrien reached out for her.
She pulled away, "Who would love me anyway," fighting the tears.
"Marinette... I'm sorry," Adrien had tears brimming his eyes.
"Goodbye Adrien," Marinette let a tear fall, "goodbye."
"I'm sorry," his tears were falling like no tomorrow. He really did like Marinette, but he couldn't say it. Marinette is his best friend, his first friend.

Plagg came out of his hiding place. "I'm sorry, kid."
"I'm sorry Marinette... I really do love you," Adrien cried.
"She isn't here, kid," Plagg hugged his cheek.
"Marinette!!!" Adrien screamed. 

Authors Note

Heartbreaking part. I literally was crying throughout writing this. Just making Adrien look so weak. He usually keeps it together, and Marinette saying goodbye to him.... just... It broke him. And Plagg actually caring.
Hey at least Marinette gets to work with Mr. Agreste. 

As Always, Stay Cool


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