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  "Ah, so you did make it," Master Fu sighed as he saw Ladybug come in through a window, nearly jumping onto Chat's back.
"So I know that you all know what you special power is. Like Ladybug's is Lucky Charm, or Chat Noir's is Catacylsm... Jade Turtle your's is Shell Shield," Master Fu kneeled onto the carpet.
"So I can call you Shelly," Volpina laughed.
"Haha, very funny," Jade stuck his tongue out at her.
Ladybug looked at Chat in confusion. He shrugged.
"Alright, well Queen Bee your's is Honey Strength," Master Fu smiled at his grandson. "Volpina, your's is Tricky Call, and Peon's is Racing Heart,"
Ladybug sighed beside Chat.
"Now, childern, you all are a team, yes, but I want you to listen to Ladybug and Chat Noir. We all know about the akuma's, or should. I want you all to follow ladybug's lead you hear. She needs to be protected, she is the only one who knows how to purify the akuma. If she gets hurt where she can't walk or anything, Peon I want you to heal her. Watch you power, Peon, if you use the magic to much you will dissaper... thats what happened to the last Peon," Master Fu looked down, " thats why Hawkmoth is doing this, he lost his Peon, he wants her back. He wants his family to be happy again. So Peon be careful out there." 

Peon's eyes were wide. Ladybug walked to her, along with Volpina. They comforted her.
"Why do we have to follow her, Chat has been through the same thing as her," Queen Bee yelled. Chat eyed her, feeling like Ladybug was going to attack any minute. He walked behind Jade.
"My Bee, Ladybug is the only one who can purify the akuma. You should also follow Chat, in some way, but not all," Master Fu snorted.
"Hey," Chat took defense. Ladybug also snikered along with Volpina and Peon. Jade hit Chat's arm. "M'lady," he whinned, "I have been on my own before," he pouted.
"With help from a civilian," Ladybug let go of Peon, due to laughing so much at her kitty looking adorable.
"M'lady..... Marinette isn't just any civilian..... She's a lot like you," Chat looked up at her.
Jade and Volpina's studied Ladybug closely. "Think whatever you want Kitty," Ladybug tried to sound as convincing as possible.
"If there isn't any other questions you all can leave."
The team nodded and left.

The next day at school

"I'm so tired," Alya yawned to the group. Nino did as well. Mari and Adrien have been through this for five years so they aren't as tired. "You look tired," Marinette laughed. "I can't believe Alya didn't freak out yesterday," Nino laughed. Alya looked at him in confussion. "Yesterday was the day Ladybug and Chat Noir first came to save Paris.""Are you serious," Alya screamed. Marinette laughed at her, " I paid my contribute.. I wore Chat Noir color's yesterday." Alya glared at her.Adrien's face went red, "you did," he said like a question but meant to say it like a statement.Mari's cheeks went pink for a second, after seeing Adrien's face. Nino laughed at the duo, "you two are so clueless."Breanna walked over to the group, "Hi... I don't have any friends here so I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys?""Yeah, sure," Nino blushed staring at the girl. She smiled at him. "Thats Nino and I'm Marinette, they call me Mari," she laughed. "I'm Adrien and the one who looks mad is Alya," Adrien patted Mari's head. "I'm Breanna, I'm from North Carolina in America," she blushed in embarrassment, "Sorry, I didn't have much friend in America, either.""Well you don't need a lot of friends... as long as you have a couple that treat you right is all you need," Mari hugged Breanna. Adrien smiled at Marinette's kindness. Alya snapped out of her trance as the bell rung.  

  "So class, who all has started on their project," Mrs. Buister asked already knowing the answer. No one. No one raised their hand. "I figured... anyways, We would like to announce the new model for Gabriel Agreste...." Chloe and Lila started to getting ready to get up, "Marinette!"
"What!!!!!!" Chloe and Lila screamed.
"Adriekens... I thought I was going to be your partner," Chloe whinned.
Marinette smiled as everyone congratulated her.
"Marinette, Gabriel Agreste wanted to meet his new model... so he has took the time to come here in person." Mrs Buister smiled at Adrien. Adrien was surprised to see his Dad come in thru the classroom door.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng... please show yourself," Gabriel looked around the classroom. Marinette hesitantly stood up.
"Right here Dad," Adrien pointed to Marinette. Gabriel looked at her, almost like trying to find a flaw. His face went back to its usual state, "flawless," he muttered so only Adrien could hear. Adrien smiled, looking up at Mari.  

Authors Note

My friend wants me to write a Fairy Tail Fanfic, but I don't know what to do.

That's it for this chapter... Either tomorrow or Monday I'll have chapter 5 up. 

Anyways, As Always, Stay Cool.


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