Chapter Ten: The pearl

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Chapter Ten: The pearl

Maria's POV:

When I woke I felt Jack behind me hauling me up by my arm. I rubbed the back of my head. "You alright love?" He asked. "Aye, I'm fine Captain," I said. We went to leave but I saw a crew pointing pistols at us. We turned the other way and more pistols. "You're suppose to be dead!" a bald pirate said. "Am I not?" Jack said examining himself. He heard a pistol cock. "Palulay...palu-li-la-la-lulu, parlili...parsnip, pasley, par- partner, partner...," Jack said.

"Parley," I coughed.

"Parley! That's the one. Parley! Parley!" Jack said.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Parley." The bald one groaned. "Down to the depths whatever mutt nit thought up 'parley'," He growled. Jack stared at him. I could tell he was having a hard time standing up. "That would be the French," Jack said. "Latin based of course," I added.

Jack's POV:

The crew led us towards an opening. Maria stayed close behind me. I couldn't help but think that when I looked behind me I had a good few down her front. Suddenly Barbossa walked towards us. "How the blazes did you get off that island?" He questioned. "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow," I bragged. I felt Maria smile some from behind me. Barbossa looked behind me. I felt his eyes lock on Maria. "Who's the lass?" He asked. "None of your concern now is it Barbossa," I said. "Ah, well Gents you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow? Kill 'em," he ordered. He turned around. The all pointed and cocked their pistols at us. I felt Maria flinch. "The girl's blood didn't work did it?" I shouted. Barbossa paused.

"Hold your fire," He ordered. He stared at me and then Maria. "You know whose blood we need?" He asked. I smirked, "I know whose blood ye need."

Maria's POV:

I felt Jack's hand reach out from behind him. He carefully took my hand as we walked towards the pearl. It felt nice having Jack's hand intertwined with mine. I had to remember though that things would become life or death and I couldn't show weakness. I knew any weakness would be used against me. When we reached the boats I let go of his hand. Barbossa waited in his cabins for us. Jack led the way. I noticed as we walked he looked around at his ship. I saw a glint of longing in his eye. I saw that he missed his pearl.

When we entered I saw a small monkey run passed me on the floor and then jump up on a perch. I didn't bother to ask. The monkey hissed at Jack. Jack sneered at the monkey. Jack sat quietly down in a chair across from Barbossa. I stood in the background not wanting to be noticed. They started a negotiation. "So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your words its the one I need and watch you sail away in my ship?" Barbossa question.

"No. I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship and then I'll shout the name back to you. Savvy?" Jack said. Barbossa laughed. Barbossa's eyes landed on me. I felt myself coil up. Jack looked behind him at me and then back to Barbossa. "Again I'll ask who's the lass?" Barbossa asked. "She's a crewmember of mine. She helped me on this journey to find you," Jack said. "In what way would that be?" Barbossa said.

Jack laughed. I saw a lie pop into his head. "She was a stowaway from Tortuga. I would have left her but let's just say she persuaded me," He said. I didn't quite understand what he played at with Barbossa on the crazy lie, but Barbossa looked to me again and I saw something on his face that made me quite uncomfortable. "Captain, were coming up on the interceptor," A large black man said. The monkey jumped up and ran out the opened door. Barbossa stood and walked out. Jack ran after him and I followed Jack. We came to the helm and Jack shoved his face in Barbossa's spyglass. "I'm having a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce? We scurry over to the Interceptor, and we negotiate the return of your medallion, eh? What say you to that?" Jack bargained.

"Now you see, Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl. People are easy to search when they're dead," Barbossa said shutting the spyglass. "Lock them in the brig." As I turned to leave I felt a hand grab my forearm. I turned to see Barbossa smiling at me. "My apologies miss, but I have a proposition for you," He said. "Join me crew sail with me. If not you will die with Sparrow. Is that what you want missy? To meet death with him or be mine?" He looked up and down my body carefully. I jerked my arm out of his grasp. I glared at him. He looked to a pirate and jerked his head at him. The pirate grabbed my arm and dragged me to the brig.

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