Chapter Thirteen: The Dauntless

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Chapter Thirteen: The Dauntless

Jack's POV:

I woke the next morning with Maria laying on my chest. I inhaled and I could smell smoke. I sat up and saw Elizabeth throw a barrel of rum on a blazing fire. I stood up quickly waving my arms to stop. "No, not good. What have you done? You burnt all the food, the shade, the rum!" I said.

"Yes the rum is gone," She said.

"Why is rum gone?" I questioned. I didn't hear the last words because I saw Maria walking down the way towards a ship.

We were quickly loaded onto the Dauntless with Commodore Norrington. I saw Elizabeth arguing with her father and the Commodore about going back to save Will. Maria stood there watching them. "Commodore, please I beg you. Do this for me as a wedding gift," Elizabeth said.

"Elizabeth are you accepting the Commodore's proposal?" Her father questioned.

"I am," She replied.

"Oh weddings, I love weddings. Drinks all around!" I said. Norrington glared at me. "I know clap them in irons?" I said.

"Mr. Sparrow you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with the bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave' Do I make myself clear?" Norrington asked. "Inescapably," I replied. He looked to Maria she nodded. The guards led me to the helm. I watched as Maria was taken to the brig.

Maria's POV:

I stood by the railings and watched the jagged edges of wrecked ships pass by. The night was warm but a gentle sea breeze kept me cool. Suddenly I felt someone's presence behind me. "I noticed you didn't tell the Commodore about the curse," I said. I turned to see Jack standing behind me. He walked over next to me rather close. "I noticed you didn't either love," he replied. "It isn't mine to tell." I said. Jack moved closer. He placed his hand on the back of my neck. He leaned forward about to kiss me, when I felt him pull on the chain around my neck.

The object on the chain slid out from between my breasts to reveal an Aztec coin from Isla de Muerta. "Either I'm drunk or you stole this," he said. I sighed. I couldn't keep it a secret forever. "I didn't tell you because I thought I would lose your trust," I said "Barbossa gave me the coin so I would stay." Jack looked confused. "When he stopped me to convince me to stay he placed the medallion in my hand. After I was put in the brig I realized by him giving me the coin that I had to return it and give a blood sacrifice. He figured I would stay and after I returned the coin I would have been his because he would have held me captive," I said. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"I was scared when I realized it. I thought I was going to be cursed forever. I was scared when I didn't know what to do," I said. I felt tears run down my cheeks. Jack laid his hand on my cheek and wiped a tear away with his thumb. He then pulled me into his embrace. His strong arms held me tight against him. Suddenly I heard someone cough. Jack quickly let go. We faced Norrington. "When you're ready," he said.

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