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A/N: Can't believe I haven't written one of these yet so here, have some words.

(Harry POV)

I'm late for potions but hopefully Slughorn won't be there yet. I ran down the corridors, nearly tripping everytime I went around a corner and finally came to the wooden door. I slowly opened it, so if Slughorn was there then I could try and sneak in, luckily he wasn't.

When I entered I walked past the teachers desk, where a potion was brewing and suddenly the whole room reeked of Malfoy's cologne. I walked over to Hermione and whispered,

"'Mione, why does it reek of Malfoy in here?" she snorted.
"Harry," she started laughing, attracting a few odd glances from the students, "It smells of Malfoy to you, to me it smells of Ron." I looked at her confused and then Ron started laughing as well.

"Bloody hell, what did I say."

"Harry it's amortentia." My mouth fell open. The whole class doubled up in laughter, except Draco, who had turned bright red. Suddenly the door was flung open again and Slughorn came in, talking about today's lesson.

We began to brew our potion and everytime someone walked past I bowed my head a little lower. A little way into the lesson a note landed on my desk.

So, Potter, you like my cologne?

A/N: I don't like this ngl it's awful Oh whale

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