If Only They Knew - Snowbaz

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a/n: i had a sudden burst of creativity helll yeha also probably OOC and it doesnt follow the book but anyways
I didnt write this for like two months and now im back so hi its also late so u know

(Simon pov)

w?hat the f!uck? baz has a? boyfriend?

Okay - it's not confirmed as of yet but I just walked into the dorm, our dorm, and walked straight back out again because no way was I staying there. Nope.


Recently Baz and I had actually become what most would consider friends. No fighting and no constant arguing, only teasing - harmless right?

Wrong. Okay he has his Signature Smirk, yeah? And then he has his smile. And the things I would do to make him smile and laugh. This sounds sappy as shit I know, but I can't describe what it's like when I say something and he smiles at me.

But he had another friend, Levi, and obviously thats fine - he is allowed to have more than one friend but they were basically inseparable and Levi would sit in our dorm with us for hours after dinner. He always came with us whenever we went out and I started to notice that they always sat really close together and Baz smiled a little brighter, laughed a little harder whenever Levi was talking.


It's not like I hadn't thought about kissing Baz before - honestly who hasn't thought about making out with their friend.

The first time I genuinely caught myself was when the three of us were walking along this huge bridge going over a motorway and Levi and Baz were standing with their bodies together from hip to shoulder, whispering to each other. Levi looked as though he has leaned in and kissed Baz and an irrational wave of jealousy rushed over me. I spent the rest of the day with a slight frown on my face which was really childish to be honest.


The second time we were in the dorm and Baz was playing us something he'd been practicing on his violin. He had started playing in front of me more often as we became closer and honestly I loved when he played. He relaxed, swaying gently as he played - each note came out clear and crisp, filling the room and I would visibly relax. I had begun to wonder that maybe Levi was a little more than a friend, again there's wrong with that - I just wanted Baz happy. But everytime he would stop playing he would look to Levi, a small smile forming. I wasn't jealous.


The arcade. How cliché. Bumper cars, coin machines the whole nine yards. And they were sharing a lollipop - disgusting, by the way, so many germs. I tried not to look over at them and focused on reminding myself that being a third wheel was better than being nothing.


The park. It was like, late? I don't really remember but there were no kids - thank fuck because who can ever deal with tiny screaming people? Anyway, Levi was hanging upside down from the monkey bars and Baz walked over and the only thing that came to mind was spider man. I spun myself faster on the roundabout, hoping that maybe my stupid crush would fly out of me if I went fast enough.


We were in a small café. They sat besides each other, pressed together despite the space either side of them, and I sat opposite, sipping sourly on a milkshake.

Believe it or not, I do actually like Levi. He's a good guy, funny, kind and all that jazz. Im just a tad jealous.

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck as I watch their hands twine together. I hate PDA.


All three of us in Baz's car, several bottles lying around and Baz's cigarettes on the dash. Just talking, laughing, all the normal things. Baz had a warm glow around him, a bright smile everytime he looked at Levi. He was happy so I would suck it up.

They both fell asleep in the back seat so I moved forwards and began to drive - Levi had a curfew and I'm not actually a bad person.


Once Levi was home, Baz slid into the driver seat and took us in the direction of the river.

I missed this. Just the two of us, carefree and tipsy, probably laughing too loud to be near any neighbourhoods so heading out to the chilly river bank.

Baz lit a fag and passed it to me before taking one for himself. As we walked, I forgot about Levi and I forgot about everything except Baz walking next to me.

We jumped the fence and leaned against the railings of the footpath. I looked over to him. His pale skin was illuminated by the lights surrounding us - making him look almost dangerous. His signature smirk tugged at the corner of his lips and, in a split second of impulse, I leaned forwards and kissed him, one hand resting on his waist and the other holding the fence next to me. For a second he kissed me too. One hand on my shoulder, the other on my neck, his body pressing to mine. His hands moved to my chest before shoving hard, sending me stumbling backwards.

We stared at each other and neither of us moved. I started apologising, over and over again as I backed away before finally turning and starting the walk home.


I saw Levi a few days later. Like I said, I did like the guy and I had nothing left to lose so I came clean and told him what I did. He stared at me blankly and then left. Honestly, I was expecting him to at least say something, maybe hit me, but he just left.

I heard talk that he and Baz had "taken a break" which meant they were done and I didn't know how to feel. In all fairness it didn't matter to me as long as Baz was happy.

We hadn't spoken for a few weeks, not since I had kissed him. If that's what he needed then fine.

Maybe I should put myself first sometimes, though.


That damned arcade.

Sitting around and drinking wasn't fun or productive so I went to the arcade - stupid, right?

I walked in and looked around - deciding whether or not to leave again. The figure on the coin machines made the decision for me. I stood for a second before walking over to where he was. He glanced up and, upon seeing me, gave a small smile.

And that was it. Everything was like it was before I messed up. Except everything seemed a little too good to be true. As we leaned over the game, I felt his hand lay over mine and looked down - catching his eye. He smiled again before straightening up and offering me his hand.

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