B.A.P as manga characters

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Yongguk : the tough-looking guy who is very very chill with everything except kawaii-ness, he'll die with his gummy smile literally

Himchan : OHSHC Tamaki, what could I say more--?

Daehyun : that one loud guy who always has either his eyes or his mouth bigger than his face

Youngjae : the cold smartass that always fix his glasses each 2 seconds

Jongup : the tanned guy with extremely sizzling body and live by the beach

Zelo : yandere kiddo, big and shinning eyes and bubbly but once he's not in the mood, he'll stare deep into your soul with dark aura around him, good luck.


a/n : surprise gift from me~~~~♥♥♥♥ how are my readers doing?  sorry for the hiatus tho ;-; but now I'm back ! thanks for the continuous support~♥♥♥

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