Mc Donalds -ZeRoYalViking-

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An idea I got and its just an Au where chilled works at mickey D's and Ze is one of his regular customers. 

Chilled's POV:

I guess working at mickey D's isn't s bad as I was expecting; the worst part is some of the customers are rude but other than that its really not bad, except this one guy he comes in everyday and i don't know how he isn't 300 pounds. He comes in everyday, or at least the days that i work, at the same rime and orders the same thing...

"Quarter ponder extra pickles, no onions and a medium soft drink, please." the small Canadian says smiling at me. 

"i swear, i need to know your secret on how you at this food everyday and not gain an ounce." He smiles, blushing slightly.

"Well... if you give me your number I can text you about it."

"Maybe."I say, turning to grab him a cup.i hand him the cup, him still smiling.

He begins to walk away but stops and turns back around. "Oh and how about this? I'll tell you how to eat what ever and not gain a pound, if you tell me how to get a butt as nice as yours." He winks and then turns back around.

'wow' I think shutting my head. I walk over to the counter where his food is being put on a tray. 

"Awww, he's blushing." says GaLm laughing with smarty. I didn't even realize I was.

"Shut up guys, and give me his food." I take the receipt and a pin from GaLm and write my number on the receipt. "And I'm taking my break." I punch out and take the tray out to Ze, as he wanted me to call him.

"Here's your food." I say handing him the tray of food. 

He looks confused for a second. "Wait. The order was to go."

"Well, if you have time, I was wondering if I could dine with you today."

He looks down a little twiddling his thumbs. "Here's the thing-"

"Oh I'm sorry if I'm invading you personal space."

"No. No, Its not that.Actually, I would love for you to sit with me." He says gesturing for me to sit across for him in the booth,I do so. "Here's the thing though. Its kinda funny actually... I'm vegetarian." he says holding back laughter.

"are you serious?" I ask trying my best to hold back laughter myself.

"Yea, I haven't eaten any of the food I've ordered. I just throw it out once I leave."

"Wow, all for me?" I smile devilishly,laughing.

"Actually, yea. I haven't had the courage to actually ask for your number until this morning."

"That's so sweet."

"Thanks, so can I get your number now?"

"look down dummy." i say jokingly

he looks down at his receipt. "Oh."

"Yep, after making me blush after all those times i made you, you deserve it."

"So, I just have to compliment your butt and I get what I want from you."

"Not every time."

"well see about that."he smiles.

"Do you want to be hit by the meet in the box, on the table?

"Maybe not that meat, but i wouldn't mind."



Okay thank you for reading the new update hope you enjoyed leave a vote if you did. Anyway I am taking requests on ships and also ideas for one shots if you have any leave them in the comment section thank again

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