Ace Vanlibre

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vanlibre and spud studs

Prompt: Evan tells Luke that he is ace and they decide its best to go their own ways.

Evans POV:

"Luke," I say. "I need to tell you something important."

He turns fro the video he was editing, "What is it baby?"

I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I think I'm asexual." I say looking at him. He seems confused and a little scared.

"Wha- What does that mean?" He asks.

"It means that i dont feel sexual attraction. I dont want to have sex with anyone. I knew i needed to tell you at some point because, I've been making up excuses on why we cant do it lately beause i didnt know what else to do. Im sorry." I let everything come out at once.

"Evan, you dont have to apologize." He sighs. "So, what does that mean for us?"

"I... I don't know. I know you like sex, So either, we can try a open relationship or... we go our seperate ways."

"Well, Open relationships have never been my thing. I really dont like the idea or sleeping with someone other than the person im dating." A tear fell from his eye. "I hate to do this but I think it would be best if we go our seprete ways."

I wipe the tear from his cheek. I have a tear falling down as well. I cup his face with my hands, "I still love you, no matter what. I want you to remember that."

"I will." He puts his hands over mine.

After we both have calmed down, i decide i should go tell the fans about the break up.

"Im going to tell the fans about us, no longer being together. If thats okay with you."

"That sounds good, i had forgot about them actually." He gives a weak smile.

I walk into my recording area and press the button to start doing so. "Hey guys, vanoss here and I have someting some what important that i thought you guys needed to know about. As many of you may know Luke, Better known as cartoonz, and i have been dating for a little over a year now. well he and I have made the decision to go our seperate ways. This shouldn't effect either of us putting out videos, dont worry about that. anyway guys i should have a Gmod video out later today so be on look out for that. thanks guys"

I push the button to stop recording and post it imidietly with no editing since there wasnt a need for it.

"Okay Luke, The vidoes up and the fans will know now, and so will the guys if they watch the videos."

"Okay." he says glancing up from his phone before looking back down almost imiditely.

I sigh quietly. "I'm sorry Luke I really am."

"Evan," He says calmly. "It's okay, I understand. I'm going to be a little depressed and a little angry for a while. But ill get over it. I want to stay friends."


My phone dings, its a text from David. 'Hey man i seen your video, you and luke okay?'

'yea we're fine you want to get the other guys and we all play some gta or somthing and we'll tell you guys what happened?'


"Hey Davids gonna get the rest of the guys up and were all gonna play gta."

"K, ill go get ready."

"So will I."

-another time skip-

"ALL RIGHT!" Wildcat yells right when the skype call starts.


"I dont know."

We all laugh and start gta up and start running around killing each other, talking between rages.

"So, What happened to you two? You were so cute together." Mini asks.

"Well, I think Evans better to explain that." Luke says.

"Wow, throw him under de bus Why dont cha?" Brian says semi jokingly.

"Actually yea it is better for me to explain." I explain

"Oh" He says

"Well, The main reason we decided to break up is because," I pause. "Im asexual."

"WAIT YOURE ACE TOO!?!" I hear lui in his squeker voice.

"Wha?" David is so confused.

"Daithi, Ace and Asexual means I dont want sex. Lui, you're ace?"

"Yep got a ring and everything."

"Really how much was it?"

"I splurged a little so it cost me about a hundred but..."

"Guys, were still here." MIni intrupts.

"Oh, right."

Bad end but its all I really could come up with. sorry about the non updating seclude, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, the main reason I have this is because on tumblr there is a "bbs rare pair weekend" currently going on so go check that out and I may or may not have a first time smut coming out tomorrow ;). any hope you guys enjoyed. see you next time.

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