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This was inspired by my own story- Bangtan Saekki Goyang-i.

Please go read it if you are fond of kitten AUs XD.

Hope you enjoy.

::where jin turns into a cat and seeks namjoon for help::

"Namjoon-Hyung, have you seen Jin-Hyung? I can't find him anywhere..."

"Maybe he went out to buy stuff to eat? He hasn't done that in a while..." Namjoon replied, a bit distracted. He was writing his music sitting on his bed.

"Oh, okay, Hyung..." Jungkook, the one who asked, left.

Why did he need Jin-Hyung anyway?

Shrugging, Namjoon went back to trying to get inspiration for his lyrics for the new song they were making.

Then, he heard a creek at the door.

"Jungkook, if you're here to ask me again, then I'm telling you- I don't know where Jin-Hyung is. As if I would even know..."

There was silence. Then, he heard a meow.

Namjoon's head snapped up and towards the direction of the door.

There was a bright yellow cat just sitting there, licking his paw.

Namjoon sighed, "How the hell did a cat get it...?"

He walked over to the cat, and carefully tried to pick him up. The cat wasn't thrashing in complain so, he was about to walk outside. Then, he started thrashing, leaning back into the room.

Namjoon almost accidentally dropped the cat, but then he held the cat close to himself, making sure not to drop it.

He didn't want to end up destroying a cat, too.

"Okay, okay. So, you want to stay in the room." Namjoon closed the door while still in the room, and felt the cat stop moving then nod.

He walked over to his bed and set the cat down and sat next to it.

Facing it, he looked closer, "You look familiar..."

The cat meowed a few times. Then, Namjoon face-palmed, "Why am I talking to a cat?"

Then, he heard annoyed meows from the cat.

Namjoon watched the cat's movement as it looked like it was complaining.

He couldn't help but laugh, "This cat is exactly like Jin-Hyung..."

Then, the cat stopped and stared at Namjoon. The cat nodded vigorously.

In a confused state, Namjoon stared at the cat. "Jin-Hyung...?"

The cat kept nodding vigorously.

Namjoon's eyes became wide. "Wait- you are Jin-Hyung?"

The cat stopped, and let out a breath. Then, nodded again.

He couldn't believe it. How could a human turn into a cat? What had happened?

"What? What happened? How did you even-?" Namjoon was flabbergasted.

Jin, the cat, just shrugged.

"How do you turn back?" He shrugged again.

Namjoon sighed.

His Hyung- that he might have a crush on- turned into a cat and came into his room. And, he didn't know what to do.

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