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This is for for their birthday :) happy birthday! I really hope you like this omg I did the best I could with the little time I had, I really really hope you at least like it a little

I honestly forgot where I would be going with this one shot but I did something I guess? I just hope you like it lmao

Dedicated to:

Eyes moving quick, Namjoon reads on, the book he's just started reading already too interesting to stop.

"Hey, hyung~" he vaguely hears what he thinks is Taehyung and Jungkook's voice? He doesn't really pay that much attention, continuing to read the book he's holding, turning the pages every now and then.

"Namjoon hyu—ng," the voice – Taehyung's – is closer now, but he just brushes it off, the scene he's reading becoming really intense.

"Taehyung hyung, he's reading, we shouldn't bother him–!" Jungkook says.

"But, we need an explanation!" Taehyung says, voice sounding cheeky and loud making Namjoon finally tear his attention away from his book to look at the two.

He just gave them a look of inquiry, expression asking what they needed.

Taehyung handed him a little piece of– paper? No, when Namjoon took it, he saw it was a Polaroid printed picture.

Looking at it, he feels his heart race and cheeks flush. It was a picture of him and Jin dancing together.

Not just any dance.

They were slow dancing.

"W-where did you find this?" Namjoon stammers, book closed next to him, long forgotten.

"That doesn't matter!" Jungkook says. Then, Taehyung continues.

"We demand an explanation!" Taehyung declares, eyes determined, but a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

Namjoon doesn't know what to say. He couldn't just reveal his 'secret' relationship with Seokjin that they'd been keeping for so long. He didn't want there to be secrets, but both of them didn't know how everyone would react, so they stayed safe with just not revealing anything.

But, now that the two found this picture, he was in an on-the-spot-decision-needed dilemma.

"Well... uh..." He starts, not really knowing what to say next, his eyes wide as he looked at both Jungkook's and Taehyung's curious eyes.

Then, just in time, he sees his beloved hyung enter the room. "Jin hyung!" he calls, making the said man look at him immediately.

"Joon?" Namjoon gives Seokjin a helpless look, gesturing the two in front of him with his chin.

Jin looks at Taehyung and Jungkook, who were still looking at Namjoon, expecting an answer.

"What's going on?" Seokjin asks, walking over to them. Taehyung looks at him and then realizes he could ask him instead.

"Hyung! Explain this picture to your favourite dongsaeng. Pretty please?" Taehyung asks, giving Jin the best aegyo he could.

Jin scoffs. "Who said you were my favourite dongsaeng?" He says, looking at the picture Taehyung had grabbed from Namjoon's hand to hand it to him.

"... Where did you find this?"

"Why are you both reacting the same way?" Taehyung whines, pouting.

"Why are you acting like a baby?" Jin retorts back, dodging the question.

"Hyung," Jungkook says, making Jin look over at him. "Don't avoid the question."

Seokjin just stares at him with intense eyes.

Then, he sighs, sitting down next to Namjoon. "What do you even mean by explain the picture? We're just dancing."

"But, you two– you don't like dancing."

Jin shoots Jungkook a look.

"Why wouldn't I like dancing with my boyfriend?"

With that question in the air, Seokjin huffs, grabbing Namjoon's hand and interlocking their fingers.

Jungkook and Taehyung's jaw drop, and for a moment they don't say anything.

Then, Taehyung just breathes in disappointment, "That's it? Gosh, I thought it was something really suspicious and crazy since you two were dancing."

"Why didn't you tell us you two were dating, though?" Jungkook pouts, "When did that happen?"

Namjoon answers, flustered at their accepting reaction, heart warmed. "Since three months."

"What!?" Taehyung screeches. "And, you didn't tell us!"

Seokjin replies this time, expression unreadable. "We... didn't know how you'd react?"

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung drapes his arm over Jungkook's shoulder, pulling the younger one closer. "Look, hyung. If it wasn't already obvious, we've been crushing on each other for ages, and we're literally boyfriends, now! Why would we mind?"

The news being new to the elder couple, their eyes just widen.

"Wait... since when?"

"... Okay, fine, maybe we just starting dating today– but! You should have a little more faith on us," Taehyung whines, pouting again. "We love you like family, we would never not accept you two. Anyways, Jungkook, since we're done with the picture questioning, we should get going..."

Taehyung detaches himself from Jungkook before he runs back into the rooms yelling, "The last one to get the controller has to buy the other lunch for a week!"

Jungkook just laughs and says, "I'm happy for you two," before dashing off as well.

When the two leave, Namjoon and Seokjin hear the front door in the other room open, probably Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok entering. There are muffled sounds of Taehyung saying, "Did you guys know Seokjin and Namjoon hyung were dating!?"

Laughing at the tone, Seokjin lets his head fall onto Namjoon's shoulder as Namjoon picks up his book again.

"I thought it was obvious? Why the hell are you two surprised?" they heard Yoongi retort, making them wonder if they'd actually been that obvious, silently blushing.

"Jungkookie, here, I brought you chocolate," they heard Jimin's voice say.

"Hey! He's my boyfriend- give it to me, so I can give it to him, instead!"

"I brought one for you, too, Tae!"

"Waitreally? You're the best, Jiminie!"

Namjoon, back at reading again, mind present in both places, and Seokjin just laying his head on Namjoon's shoulder with his eyes closed; they both enjoy the moment of a worriless situation.

They didn't think a picture of them dancing would lead them to being relieved from hiding their relationship. But, they were happy that it did.




"Hm?" Jin hums, opening his eyes when he feels Namjoon take the picture from his hands. "What are you doing?"

"Using it as a bookmark," Namjoon replies, putting the picture in the page he was leaving off of.

He smiles at Seokjin, his adorable dimples showing.

"It's not like we have to hide it anymore, right?"

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