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So, this is not an update.

Thank you for 150+ views! This book means so much to me, because writing is so important to me.

I'm suicidal, so this is how I cope. And, so see that you guys are loving this book, this makes me feel a glimmer of hope.

So thank you for that ☺️

Now, I just want to say a few things about the story.

1) This Pocahontas has a mix of Disney's Pocahontas and the real life Pocahontas

2) She has all these powers and abilities

3) This book will go into Civil War and she'll pick sides

4) She does fall in love with one of the Avengers

5) Ravenna will be in this book and Pocahontas will be in Caught Feelings

That's all for now, updating tomorrow.

- em

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