Chapter 26

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IT HAD been a week since the Rowboat incident, and Bucky just came back from working as a mechanic. It was difficult to hide the metal arm in public while on the job, but not impossible, and with summer just around the corner there's gonna be an issue with wearing long sleeves and a glove.

Pocahontas has also gotten the job of a photographer for the local paper in Bucharest. She took pictures of nature and posted them online as well. Hazard hadn't shown up again since their last encounter, so it was peaceful for the duration of the week. They get the feeling they were gonna be seeing her again, but they didn't have to worry about it for the time being. Living was better than constantly worrying.

Pocahontas was outside, taking pictures of nature as she unknowingly bloomed flowers as she moved.

Bucky found her later on, having followed a trail of said full blooming flowers outside. He couldn't help but smile as she snaps pictures, who seems unaware of his presence. She continued to do what she was doing. He then hugged her from behind, surprising her.

"Hey, Doll." He greeted, smirking.

"Hi." She said, turning around to face him.

"Pretty flowers, don't you think?" He gestured to the trail of them in a teasing way.

"Yeah. My favorite, daises." She replied, smiling.

"Did you purposely make them bloom?"

"No. It's on accident. Some were on purpose, the ones I'm taking a picture of."

"Why do they do that when you only mean to make them bloom in certain places?"

"I don't know. I tell nature what to do but sometimes it just happens. Especially when I'm not paying attention." She told him.

"I think they're just blooming for you because they appreciate you and the purity of your heart." He said, smiling.

Pocahontas blushed and stayed silent, not knowing how to reply to that.

Bucky smirked, "Is Mother Nature blushing?"

Pocahontas smiled, blushing even more this time.
"Stop." She whined.


She covered her face, while smiling.

"Hey, no. None of that." He said, chuckling as he pulled her hand away. "Your blush looks pretty, Doll." He complimented, stroking her pink tinted cheek.

"Not even," She replied, putting the camera in its bag and put it over her shoulder. She had no idea how he made her smile and blush this much.

"What do you mean 'not even'? I'm being honest." He followed after her.

"I mean it's not cute. Like at all." She said, looking to her right and Bucky walked at her side.

"I'll have to disagree with you."


"You look beautiful, in my eyes. Your blush enhances it."

"You are so eloquent with your words, James. No wonder you used to be a ladies man." She said, as the two walked towards their assortment.

Bucky only chuckled, "Well, I may not be the same as I was before World War 2, but some of me is still there."

"Hmm, the you I know is perfect."

Bucky felt his heart flutter, and his lips stretched into a smile. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

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