Chapter 3

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I sat there in that room filled with my writing. I looked around and closed the door. I pulled the string and a light bulb that hung down from the ceiling lit up. I sat down and thought about the past two years. I don't understand why Jonas would bring Justinia in here. Does he want to make me look like a crazy person? I am not crazy; I just have issues with accepting our death…that's all.

 I just can't believe we were killed because we were good. I wonder…Maybe that is the way to get back at Mr. Schietz! To put on a concert…not now, it would have to be after Mr. Schietz does his music video here. I don't know how we would perform a concert but it's an idea. I really should sleep… Jonas was right, what's the point in thinking about the past and torturing myself? I know why now…it was Jealousy. Mr. Schietz was jealous of our success.

            I walked down the hall and stopped at Jonas's door. I heard Justinia and Jonas talking. I shook my head with frustration. I headed to my room and dozed off immediately. I woke up to a shrilling scream. I ran downstairs frantically. I looked around and saw that Joakim had a knife in his hand and Anton was on the ground shrieking.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I woke up and found that he untied himself and was literally sneaking out the door. So I thought I could teach him a lesson." Joakim responded.

"Not today you won't, we need him remember." I said as Jonas and Justinia came rushing down the stairs.

"What’s going on?" Jonas asked.

"Anton tried to sneak out. But anyways, I was thinking last night about Mr. Schietz and why he had to kill us. He was jealous of our success so he killed us, and I still want to do the music video plan with him, but how amazing would it be if we could somehow throw a concert and then people wouldn't fear coming around here because they would know all we want to do is play our music for them." I said in excitement.

"That sounds fun. But how can we gather an audience when we are stuck here?" Niclas asked.

"Well, how long has it been since we've tried to leave these woods? It's been almost a year! I say that Justinia, Anton and one of us tries to leave with them and see if it works. Maybe we need to be around someone living to leave? It's a possibility that we should try." I said finally feeling some hope.

"Sounds good, we should try it." Petter said.

"So who wants to be brave and ready for rejection?" Jonas asked looking around.

"I will." Niclas said stepping out.

"Cool, so we have our guinea pig. Anton, lead Justinia and Niclas out of the forest to see if this works, and take a knife Niclas incase he tries to pull something." I said knowing that Niclas was not violent at all.

"Uh, okay…" Niclas said as Joakim handed him the knife while Anton's eyes never left it.

"You ready? Let us go." Anton said walking out the door looking back to see if they followed him.

*                                              *                                     *

            I headed out the door holding the knife awkwardly. Justinia looked back and gave a small smile. I smiled back at her. Was she the one we've waited for? I mean someone was bound to come along and save us…I really hope she was our savior. I walked a bit faster so I would be closer to Anton if he tried anything, although what would I do? I know that I couldn’t hurt him; I couldn’t hurt a fly if I wanted to. It just wasn’t in my nature.

            Anton kept looking back at me eyeing that knife in my hand. We finally crossed the field and got into the woods. As we walked through the woods noises filled the air. Animals were scurrying about and each step that fell from our feet created a crunching noise. The trek wasn’t too long. We could see pavement up ahead; I felt the excitement building. I started to speed up. I gave the knife to Justinia in case I couldn’t cross. Anton crossed and so did Justinia but I couldn’t leave the woods.

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