The New Surgeon In Town

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Hawkeye's POV

I was sitting ideally at the bar of the Officer's (and Enlisted) Club after nearly 12 hours of surgery sipping a martini when a women with long curly brown hair and an army uniform walks in and comes up to me. "Hi, is this seat taken?" she asks pointing to the seat next to me "No, have a seat" I say. She smiles and sits down "You seem like a nice guy, what's you're name?" she asks "I'm Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce. But everyone just calls me Hawkeye" I say "Well nice to meet you Hawkeye, I'm Samantha O'Reilly" she says "O'Reilly? Are you related to Radar O'Reilly?" I ask "Yup, thats my little brother" she says

Samantha's POV

"Yup, thats my little brother" I say, I've actually asked to be transferred here as soon as I found out this was where he was stationed so I could keep him out of trouble and make sure he doesn't get hurt. I've meet up with him and the colonel before I came here to go over my papers and verify that I was supposed to be here. "Wow, I never even knew he had a sister let alone one in the war" he says "It's a small war after all" I joke. He chuckles "So, where were you transferred from?" he asks "Tokyo General Hospital. Let me tell ya I'm not gonna miss it there. There was this one guy Charles who kept gloating and ranting on about Boston and he would play the most BORING records on and on. He was completely insufferable" I say. "What did you do there? Nursing?" he asks "No, I was a surgeon there" I say "Really? We've never had a female surgeon in the unit before" he comments and just then I hear the sound of incoming choppers. I get up and start running out of the Officer's Club and to the top of the hill where the choppers would arrive Hawkeye starts to run after me but then he hears the choppers and starts to follow after me. The PA system springs to life "Attention, all personal incoming wounded! Ambulances in the compound report to triage immediately" We get to the hill and the choppers land. I go to look at the one on the right and Hawkeye takes the left. I look at the patent and see that he looks to be about 18. He had several lacerations on his leg and a particularly large chest wound. "Corpsman!" I yell and two people come over to me and pick up the patent "Start him on two units of plasma he can't wait" I say monotonous. They nod and put him on a jeep and drive off. I walk over to Hawkeye to see how his patent was doing "How bad is it?" I ask he looks over to me frowning slightly. "He's dead. Didn't even have a chance" he says. I shake my head sadly and then run down to the O.R. to get prepped for surgery. I put on my pants, cap, and gown then scrub up and walk into O.R. I go over to the last table and some Corpsmen come over and put a patent on the table. I look down at him and he looks back up at me with fear in his eyes. I recognize him as the patient I saw on the chopper "How bad am I doc?" he asks "You're gonna be just fine kid. Don't you worry" I say in my sweetest voice. He nods slowly and looks at the ceiling. "Alright, put him under." I say. The nurse nods and puts the mask on him and puts him to sleep. After about 11 hours of surgery I take of my surgical clothing and start to head off to my tent. As I am walking I bump into a man about 9 inches taller than me he had short curly brown hair and brown eyes that were up to no good. "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there" I say "Eh, no worries. It happens to all of us" he says "Thanks. What's your name?" I ask "I'm Trapper, Trapper John McIntyre" he says "Nice to meet you Trapper. I'm Samantha, Samantha O'Reilly" I say "Well I was actually on my way back to the swamp for a drink. Care to join me?" he asks "Shure." I say and we both head to his tent which is actually called the "swamp" I sit down in the cot on the right hand side of the door and Trapper hands me a martini glass full of gin from a makeshift still. I take a sip of the gin and start to cough a bit "Wow. That's strong" I say. He chuckles "Best gin anywhere south of Korea" he jokes and I giggle slightly and down the rest of the gin then pour myself another. It went on like this until about 0100 (that's 1am in real people talk) I stand up abit wobbly and head towards the door "Thanks for the drinks Trapper, but I'm really tired. Could we continue this tomorrow?" I ask, he nods "Come back anytime. My tents always open" he says. I smile and walk out then wobble through the compound and into my tent flopping onto my bed.

AN: I know what you guys are thinking. This is NOT a Trapper x Reader! This is a Hawkeye x Reader.

Capt.Samantha O'Reilly M*A*S*H 4077Where stories live. Discover now