The Doctor Becomes The Patient

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Just like any other day I wake up in my cot and do my daily routine. Go for a jog with Father Mulcahy, get a cup of coffee from the Mess Tent, hang out with Hawkeye and Trapper, and take a shower. But today was a little different. Ambulances came in with wounded and we had to operate. I took a badly wounded North Korean and Frank gave me a hard time for putting him before everyone else and even tried pulling rank but I quickly got him off my back with a sharp remark. I also took up few other patients that totaled up to 8 hours in surgery. And after a run like that I'd usually go to the swamp for some gin but today I felt like going to the Officers Club instead. So I quickly removed my surgical clothing and head out toward the club. I sat down on the stool and see Klinger was the bartender for the day. "One martini, driest you got" I say placing a dollar on the counter. He pours my drink and takes the dollar then leans against the counter "Long day kid?" He asks "You don't even know the half of it" I say taking a sip of the martini "Well tell me! I used to this kinda jazz" he says "Well first off I had to fight with Ferret Face then I had to force a patent to get his mask on so I could operate, then I had to struggle with him to get him to stay in his cot witch lead him to break his stitches and me having to sew him back up." I say. "Was that the North Korean you operated on?" He asks, I nod "Yeah, what of it?" I ask "Nothing, it's just that every North Korean that comes here gives everyone a hard time" he says. "I figured that much" I mumble finishing off my martini. It's not that I hated the North Korean it's just that I hate having to go back into surgery for whatever reason. My conversation with Klinger was interrupted when Henry comes in and slouches onto the stool next to me looking very exhausted and upset about something. I turn and put my hand on his back "What the matter Henry?" I ask "Boy today really takes the cake. First I'm in surgery for almost 9 hours then Radar bombards me with a ton of papers neither of us understand. And to top it all off my 100 year old genuine oak wood desk gets stolen by a couple of lowlife crooks" he says "Well if it makes you feel any better Henry I had a pretty lousy day too" I say. He sits up and looks over at me "Really? What happened with you?" He asks, I then tell him what I told Klinger. "Well it's good to know I'm not the only one around here who's had a lousy day" he says "Yeah and speaking of, I gotta go check on him and see if he's gotten into any trouble" I say getting up and walking towards Post OP. I walk in and go over to the guys cot checking his chart and as I was distracted I did not see him stand up and take out a gun. "He's got a gun!" I hear one of the patients shout I look up and jump out of the way just before he shot. I run over and struggle with him to get the gun out of his hand I almost had it but then he pulled the trigger with it facing towards my stomach. I fell to the floor and as soon as I did some MPs rushed in followed by Hawkeye, Trapper, Radar, Henry, and Frank. The MPs instantly get the gun out of the North Korean's hand and get him out of the room and the others rush over to me. "She looks pretty bad, we gotta get her to the OR" I hear Hawkeye say picking me up bridal style "Hey...Hawk?" I say makeing him look down at me "Yeah?" He asks "Whatever you do...don't let Ferret Face...come anywhere near me...with a scalpel" I say weakly. He chuckles and carries me into the OR setting me on a table leaving the room to get prepped for surgery leaving a very worried Radar to watch over me.

Hawkeye's POV

I am in the swamp drinking some gin while talking to Trapper after a long 8 hours of surgery when I hear a gunshot. We didn't pay much mind to it until a second shot rings out both being from Post OP. Me and Trapper exchange worried glances and rush out of the swamp quickly followed by Frank who was curious as to what the commotion was all about. Halfway to Post OP we run into Radar and Henry. When we finally get there we see MPs bust through the door and we quickly follow after them. I look at the scene in front of me in pure disbelief. The wounded North Korean patient that Samantha had operated on is now standing up and holding a gun in his hand and I see Samantha on the floor blood seeping through her green army shirt near her abdomen. As soon as the MPs get the Korean and his gun out of here I rush over to her looking her wound over. "She looks pretty bad, we gotta get her to OR" I say picking her up bridal style "Hey...Hawk?" She says. I look down at her "Yeah?" I ask "Whatever you do...don't let Ferret Face...come anywhere near me...with a scalpel" she says weakly. I chuckle seeing as Frank was standing right behind Radar who was behind me and heard every word she said. I carry her into OR and set her on a table leaving Radar to watch over her while I get prepped for surgery. When I finish I walk back into OR and get Radar out of there so I could focus and not worry about him fainting and then having two patients to deal with.

Radar's POV

I follow Hawkeye into the OR and watch as he sets Samantha down on the table. He walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder "Radar I'm gonna need you to keep an eye on Samantha while I get prepped for surgery, can you handle that?" He asks, I nod knowing that she would have done the same for me. He grins slightly and walks off to get prepped for surgery. I walk over to the side of her table and she smiles weakly "Hey Radar...what are you still doing in here?" She asks "Hawkeye asked me to keep an eye on you" I say trying to keep the worry out of my voice but failing miserably  "Hey,Hey...don't worry...about me...I'm gonna be fine" she says. I nod and just then Hawkeye comes back and makes me leave the room.

Capt.Samantha O'Reilly M*A*S*H 4077Where stories live. Discover now