I'm A Doctor Not A Patient

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I wake up in Post OP with a sharp pain near my abdominal section. I try to sit up but fail. I look around and see Frank or as I call him Ferret Face checking a patient's chart. "Hey Frank, come here a second. I need to talk to you" I say he turns around and walks over to the side of my cot. "What's the matter?" he asks impatiently "How long am I supposed to be here for?" I ask "Well it shouldn't be too long, maybe about five to six days" he says "Five to six days?!" I shout and just then Hawkeye comes in and walks up to me. "What's the problem Sam?" he asks using the nickname I had picked up here. I guess the guys just aren't used to a female surgeon so they gave me that nickname to make me sound like one of the guys. "Could you tell this pain in my ass-" "That's Major to you!" Frank interruptes me "Alright, could you tell this Major pain in my ass that I am a surgeon and I can't be kept here while there are patients to help" I say. Frank looks completely scandalized while Hawkeye on the other hand was beaming with pride and laughing his socks off seeing as I had used one of his most famous remarks. Frank storms off huffing "Why don't you go to Hot Lips I'm sure she'll be able to comfort you!" I call after him "In more ways than one" Hawkeye says sitting at the end of my bed. After a few minutes of laughter it dies down "But seriously. I'd rather be strung up by my Achilles tendon then agree with Major disaster. But I have to agree with him on this, you need rest" he says seriously "What? You're seriously siding with Ferret Face on this?" I say "Look, you've been shot. You need your rest, you're a doctor you should know that" he says. I sigh "Yeah, I know. I just wanna get back in action as fast as I can" I say

5 Days Later

Radar walks over to the side of my cot and hands me a letter from our hometown "Hey, it's from Mom and Uncle Ed!" I say excitedly opening the letter and reading it out loud.

"Dear Samantha and Walter. We're sorry it's been a long time since we last written you. We've heard about you're incident and wanted to see if you we're feeling better since we know how worked up you two can get about each other getting hurt. And Samantha, please take good care of Walter and keep him safe. We are really lookin forward to you two coming home in one piece. Love, Mom and Uncle Ed"

I finish reading and look up at Radar who had tears welling up in his eyes "It's not fair. Us making them worry so much about us" he says. I quickly sit up and bring him into a tight hug "Now don't you worry Radar, I'm gonna see to it that we both get back home alive and in one piece. There's no need for them or you to worry, ok?" I say. He nods slightly and I release him. Just then Hawkeye comes into the room and looks over my chart then grins like a little kid. He walks over to my cot and sits down "Samantha, I've got great news. You wounds completely healed and you can now official be off of bedrest" he says. My eyes widen and my grin stretches then I jump out of bed and pull Hawkeye into a big hug "Ha ha, Hawk that's great!" I shout. Hawkeye loses his balance and falls back onto the bed with me falling on top of him. "Uh, I believe it's supposed to be the other way around" he jokes grinning mischievously making me get off of him faster than if he were a burning stove. "Don't pull that stuff with me Hawk, you know it ain't gonna happen" I say

Capt.Samantha O'Reilly M*A*S*H 4077Where stories live. Discover now