Meeting Some New People

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I wake up in my cot and sit up. As soon as I do a hangover from hell catches up with me. I groan and get up then get dressed and walk out towards the Mess Tent. I walk in and see a lot of people I do not recognize. I get in line for what is supposed to pass as food and grabbed a cup of coffee then I looked around for a table I could sit at. I then spot Radar waveing me over to where he was sitting. I sigh in relief seeing at least one familiar face. I walk over to him and smile "Radar, boy am I glad to see you" I say sitting down next to him "I wanted to introduce you to some of my buddies, Samantha this is Corporal Klinger and Father Mulcahy" he says gesturing to the men sitting across from us. The one called "Klinger" was a tanned man with a huge nose and was wearing a women's dress and seemed to be a fun guy. The one called "Father Mulcahy" was paler in completion compared to Klinger he wore a hat that had short blonde hairs peeking out and gentle pale blue eyes under round rimmed glasses and a kind friendly smile, he seemed to have a good natured personality and seems to be able to keep up with the jokes that are said quite often. After breakfast I head out of the Mess Tent and to the nurses showers to freshen up abit. On my way somebody bumps into me from behind. I whip around to see a man about 2 inches shorter than me wearing a green army cap with brown hairs sticking out of it, and a golden oakleaf on it symbolizing that he is a major, he has hard icey blue eyes and a very stuck up posture. He mumbles something along the lines of an apology and walks off at a brisk pace with a mocking authority making sure he stood straight which made me want to make fun of him a little more each step he took. I walked over to my tent and grabbed a change of clothes and a pink housecoat then walked into the showers and washed myself off. I got out and wrapped my housecoat snugly around my frame then walked back to my tent and got changed. After that I decided to go check up on my patient in Post OP. As I get there I bump into Hawkeye again "Oh, hey Hawkeye. You can go, I'll take care of things here" I say "Huh? Oh, no thanks I think I'll just stay here abit longer" he says, his eyes never moving from his patient. "Ok then. I'll just be checking up on a few things with my patient. Feel free to leave if you want." I say walking over to my patient's cot and checking his chart. When I look up I see that he is awake and starring at me. I walk over and sit down on the side of the cot "How you feeling kid?" I ask. "I'm fine, thanks to you doc" he says "All in a day's work" I say "Hey, do you think I can be put on regular food again?" he asks "No, I'm afraid you'll have to eat what comes out of the Mess Tent" I joke grinning and he starts to grin too. After a few minutes of talking and getting to know this kid I learned that his name was John Walker and he had a very lovely girl waiting for him back home I get up and decide to check up on a few other patients. And after a few hours of that a nurse comes to relieve me and I gladly get up and walk out. I walk out and decide to go visit Hawkeye at the swamp for a few drinks. On my way a run into Klinger who was on patrol "Halt, who goes there?" He says "Stick a cork in it Kilnger" I say teasingly and walk passed him to the swamp then knock on the door "Come in" I hear Hawkeye say I walk in and see him, Trapper, Father Mulcahy, Colonel Blake and a person I am not familiar with playing poker "It's a five card draw, jokers are wild. Wanna play?" Hawkeye asks "Sure, deal me in" I say and sit down at the table. Hawkeye passes me my cards and I pick them up and look at them keeping my poker face on. A throw in 3 10$ chips "Call." I say Hawkeye looks at his cards once more "I'll see you're 30..." he says throwing down the chips "And raise you 20" he finishes throwing down two more chips. The others place there bets and we put down our cards "Full house" I say grinning. By the end of the game I won nearly 200$. I gave Father Mulcahy half of my winnings for the orphanage he funds. He thanks me and heads off. I decide to check up on Radar before heading to bed. I walk into his room and see him hard at work filing folders and organizing piles of papers. "Hey Radar, how's it goin?" I ask the busy little clerk. He picks his head up from skimming some papers and looks over to me "Oh hey Samantha, I'm doing fine." He says quickly then goes back to work. I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He stops and looks over to me "Need any help Radar?" I ask. He thinks for a moment then nods. I look through some papers and file them accordingly along with Radar. When we finish he thanks me and I head out toward the Mess Tent. I get in line for the barely edible food and walk over to where Hawkeye was sitting. He moves over and I sit down next to him, noticing the three people sitting across from us. Two of them I recognize as Colonel Henry Blake and the man that bumped into me as I was walking to the shower that I later learned his name was Major Frank Burns. The one I did not recognize was a women with long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Captain Samantha O'Reilly" I say holding out my hand for her to shake "I'm Major Margaret Hoolihan, pleasure to meet you" she says shaking my hand and smiling. After completely ignoring the "food" on my tray I excused myself from the table and made my way over to my tent and laid down on my cot contemplating the events of today. I have meet a lot of people today some kind some fun and some annoying. All in all it was a great day...I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

AN: Wow. 1153 words of absolutely nothing 😅 guys are gonna kill me for this...Don't worry it'll get better as the story progresses...hopefully.

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