Radar In Love

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Early in the morning Radar knocks on my door "Samantha, can I talk to you?" he asks. I open my eyes and look over at the door "Yeah Radar, come in" I say. He comes in and sits at the end of the bed "Can I ask you something?" he asks "You just did" I say jokingly "Ah knock it off will ya, this is serious" he says "Alright, alright, shoot kid" I say. "Well uh...I want to ask you for some advice...on girls" he says his face turning red and I instantly shoot up "What?! Who is she?!" I ask. His blush turns deeper "Its uh...Lieutenant Barker, she was just transferred here yesterday" he says "Oh yeah, she's the kid with the red hair and big glasses right?" I say. He nods and my grin widens "Ok, what do you want to know?" I ask "I uh, want to know what girls like in a guy" he says and I think for a second "Well, girls like guys who are sweet, charming, compassionate, and cute. So you don't really have to change at all" I say "Gosh, really" he asks. I nod and he smiles abit "Boy, who knew" he says walking out with me following behind him and we both walk to the Mess Tent with my arm around his shoulder. When we get in and grab our "breakfast" I notice Lieutenant Barker sitting at a table almost completely alone "Hey Radar, this is your big chance. Go over and ask if you could sit with her" I whisper in his ear "But what do I say?" he asks "Just be yourself Radar, you'll be fine" I say. He nods and walks over to her saying something I am too far away to hear. She smiles and moves over allowing him to sit down and I just can't help but smile at how cute they looked together. Just then Hawkeye and Trapper walk in and come over to me then look at what I was staring at "Hey look at Radar, he's a natural" Trapper says "That little rascal" Hawkeye says. They both get a tray of food and we walk over to the table next to Radar and Barker which Henry was sleeping on at the moment. I look over to Hawkeye and Trapper and they both nod and on the count of three we all slam our trays onto the table causing Henry to jump up and grab at his chest "You guys nearly gave me a heart attack!" He says. But we were too busy laughing at his reaction. "Oh hardy har har, laugh it up" he says. We then eat our food and continue on with our day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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