Chapter 1: Lost Girl

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Your POV

I awoke from my deep slumber. I sat up, rubbing the sleeping sand from my eyes. I sighed, looking over to my clock. 5 AM. Early and tired as always. I stretched slowly, and slipped off my messy bed. I grouchily walked over to my closet, and rummaged through my clothes. I put on this:

I looked in the mirror, and cracked a smile to myself

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I looked in the mirror, and cracked a smile to myself. I frowned, not feeling very happy. I hated living with my sister, s/n. I ignored my sorrow, and sat down at my makeup stand. I put on this makeup:

I then put my hair in h/s (hairstyle)

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I then put my hair in h/s (hairstyle). I looked over to my phone, and furrowed my eyebrows. I shrugged, and picked up my phone. I went straight to YouTube, and looked my account, YT/a (YouTube account)'s subscriber count. 100,000 subscribers. It was nothing compared to Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I loved them so much. I had no one and nothing to love until they came into my life. Even though I can only see them over a screen. I sighed, and sat on my bed, watching them play GTA V together on Jacksepticeye's channel. I giggled and snorted, until...

"Y/n! Shut the hell up and get rid of that stupid phone!" My sister yelled, stomping towards my room. She was 30, and I was only 24. I gasped, and tensed up. I stared at her as I ripped off my headphones. I breathed heavily as I slowly put my phone next to me.
"Y-yes, s/n?" I asked wearily. She shot an evil look at me.
"What were you watching? You weren't watching those idiots again, were you?!" S/n raged at me. I shook my head nervously, looking down.
"N-no!" I replied, lying. S/n growled.

"Don't lie to me!" She told me, grabbing my phone. I tried to stop her, but failed. She squinted at the screen, and her face got red. She looked at me.
"You lied to me!" She screamed, cutting me off, and throwing my phone to the floor. I whimpered, and stood up. She stomped towards me slowly, bringing her s/t hands into fists.
"P-please..." I whispered. That's when I felt a stinging, burning sensation in my head. She punched me in my head. I almost passed out, but I stayed strong. I fell to the ground.

"Oh-ho-ho, I am going to hurt you!" She screeched. I gasped as she slapped me across my face twice. It stung so bad that I felt like my face was being peeled off.
"No!" I wailed. S/n kept punching, slapping, kicking, and punching me all over my body. I screamed and cried in the process.
"Haha, brat!" S/n yelled when she stopped abusing me. She snickered and walked out of the room. I opened my eyes, and looked at my bloody and bruised body. I sobbed, sitting there. My phone layer there, on the floor.

It was safe. That's all that mattered. It was okay, and I could still watch YouTube. I heard my sister say, "oh" to herself dangerously. I heard stomping, and s/n was in my room again.
"Oh no..." I whispered.
"Oh, and I need to destroy your phone and those pitiful headphones of yours'!" S/n declared, taking out a working hammer out from behind her back.
"No!" I yelled. But the hammer mashed into my phone, and it broke into pieces. She them snapped my cheap headphones in half, making a 'crack'. She breathed heavily, and smiled.
"Heh..." She chuckled.

I looked at the headphones and my phone in terror. I shook, as s/n walked away from my room, into the living room. I stared for a minute, thoughts going through my head.
'What did I do to her?'
'Did she ever love me?'
'Maybe she could become nicer?'
But no. No one could answer those questions. Not even s/n herself. I was planning to move all along, but, I was scared. What if she found me and hurt me? Or worse? I didn't want to think about it now. I had to leave. I had enough money.

My dad was rich, so before he died, he gave me 10,000,000 dollars. He put it in my credit card. You'd probably say, "You blew it, didn't you?" Well, no. I still have 10,000,000 dollars. I never used any of it. All of a sudden, I heard a 'thump'. I tiptoed into the living room, and saw my sister, passed out from drinking too much wine and smoking too much weed. It wasn't the drugs and alcohol that made her evil, though. She just was always evil. I can remember she'd hit me when we were kids.

I got my credit card and purse, which had some snacks and makeup. I held my breath as I walked out the front door, the door making a 'creak' sound. I cringed, and looked at s/n. She was still dead asleep. Maybe I wasn't even being sarcastic on the 'dead' part of it. Hopefully. I stepped outside, closing the door behind me. The autumn air nipped at my body. I loved it. My sister had a car, but I didn't. I didn't care if it was hers', because I stole it to drive to the airport. I have to go.

At the airport

Luckily, I didn't get caught and no one found out the car wasn't mine. I didn't care that I had nothing except 10,000,000 dollars, snacks, and makeup. I was moving far far away. No matter what.
"Flight to Los Angeles departures in 5 minutes." The loudspeaker crackled a male voice. I smiled to myself, and knew the flight was expensive, since I didn't book it before. But it was worth it. I had to pay about 1,100 dollars. But, I still had more than 9,000,000 dollars. I got on the plane a few minutes later with my stuff.

This was going to be a long flight.

Funny You're The Broken One (Markiplier x Female! Reader x Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now