Chapter 9: Sleepy

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Jack's POV

Mark stopped cleaning, and walked into the living room with y/n and I.
"What is it?" He asked, rubbing his hands together to keep warm,
"Look." Was all y/n said. Mark looked at the t.v as his eyes widened.
"Oh my God..." He whispered, putting his hand on his head.
"Yeah...Marzia's missing..." I sighed, tears filling my eyes. Y/n's sad, helpless eyes turned into determination. (Frisk, much?).
"We have to save her." Y/n declared seriously. Mark and I stared at her.
"What?!" We exclaimed. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and frowned. She growled.
"Guys. She and Felix are our friends. We have to save Marzia. For our and Felix's happiness." Y/n demanded blankly.
"But, we don't-"
"Hush." Y/n cut me off, putting her palm up to my face. I backed away one step, looking down. The t.v crackled, and we looked at it.
"If you see or know anything about the suspects or missing woman, call 9-11." The policeman on the t.v told America. I heard Mark gasp quickly.
"Isn't that the policeman we saw before?" Mark asked. Y/n and I looked at each other, our eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah." Y/n replied, as I nodded. Mark smirked, and got his phone out of his back pocket. Without saying anything, he typed 9-11 into the phone, and put it on speaker. They answered on the very first ring.
"9-11 what's your emergency?" A woman on the phone asked.
"My friends and I know some things about the missing woman, Marzia Bisognin and the suspects." Mark replied.
"Oh really? Tell us everything." The woman demanded kindly. I spoke up,
"The blonde suspect's name is Paige and the brunette suspect's name is Beatriz. But, we don't know who the other one is..."

"Good, that's great that you know that!" The woman exclaimed. We all nodded, smiling.
"Sorry, Ms., that's all." Y/n said.
"That's fine. Call again if there's anything else." The woman crackled through the phone.
"Okay!" Mark said. 9-11 hung up. Mark turned off his phone, and slipped it back in his pocket.
"We need to be safe, guys." I declared. Mark and y/n nodded, being serious.
"Of course." Y/n agreed. We all sat down on the couch, taking deep breaths.
"Wow." I whispered.
"Wow indeed." Mark said.
"Wow indeed indeed." Y/n chuckled.

9:00 pm

Me, y/n, and Mark had just finished dinner, and we were getting sleepy. I know, sleep is for the weak and shit, but in this situation, it's best to get sleep. We're all human, y'know.
"Guys....*yawn* I'm exhausted..." Y/n mumbled. Mark and I chuckled.
"Us, too..." I replied. Mark smiled.
"Yeah..." He whispered, patting y/n on her h/c head. I smirked, and put my hand on Mark's shoulder.
"Mark." I said.
"Jack." Mark said.
"Y/n." Y/n mumbled, followed with a giggle, and a yawn. I chuckled, looking at Mark.

"I'll carry her to bed." Mark told me. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms.
"Fine." I said, walking into my room.
"Goodnight, Jack." Mark told me.
"Goodnight Mark, and y/n." I replied, stretching.

Mark's POV

I slipped my left hand under y/n's knees, and my right hand under her head, and picked her up. She smiled, and her eyes tried to open. I chuckled.
"It's not worth it." I told her. She giggled, and closed her eyes. I put her on her bed, and she tucked herself in. I kissed her on the head.
"Thank you, goodnight." She said.

"Good night, Princess." I cooed to her, turning off her light, and walking into my room. I slipped into my bed, and closed my eyes.

A/N: For some reason, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Like, a lot. Buuuut, anyway, thank you for over 100 reads! I got over 30 more reads in a very short amount of time! Thank you!

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